今天就来学几句实用的英语句子吧!1. i had meant to say that...
2. please give me a chance to explain...请给我机会让我解释一下……
3. what i really wanted to tell you was that...我真正希望告诉你的是……
4. i just want to make one point clear.我只想把这一点解释清楚。
5. i want to clarify a point i had made.我希望就我之前所说的那点做一下澄清。
6. perhaps, i wasn't too clear about what i had meant. let me try and clear this up a bit.
7. you h**e misunderstood me. i hadn't meant for it to sound that me explain.
please allow me to explain this better. i don't want anymisunderstandings.
9. please don't doubt my intentions, as i only want what's best for theboth of us.
10. perhaps we can then put this whole misunderstanding behind us?我们是否能够把误会忘掉,重新开始呢?
表达 快乐 的英语口语
表达 快乐 的英语口语。1.哇!wow 这是人们处于高兴 兴奋 惊讶 激动等情绪的时候最常用的一个感叹语句。2.好极了!great terrific fantastic 3.我兴奋得睡不着觉。i m too excited to go to sleep.i m so excited that i c...
会谈指双方或多方就某些重大的政治 经济 文化 军事问题,也。谈的一般用语英语口语表达,希望能对大家有所帮助!now that we are all here,let s begin the talk,shall we?现在人都到了,咱们开始,怎么样?what do you think if we b...
和解 的英语口语表达
和解 的英语口语表达。普通口语 let s make peace.地道口语 it s an olive branch.讲解 olive branch 说起来谁都知道,橄榄枝是和平友爱的象征,就像在中国传统文化中,干戈代表了战争,玉帛代表了和解。同样都是用事物来比喻,很有相似性哦。然而橄榄枝为什么就表...