精神不好 的英语口语表达

发布 2021-02-09 16:18:28 阅读 2531



1. are you ok alex? you look a bitunder the weather.你还好吧,亚历克斯?你看起来不太舒服。

2. she's just a bitrun down. i think she needs to take a holiday.她只是有点累了,我想她需要休几天假。

feltoff-colourbut did not h**e any dramatic symptoms.他觉得不太舒服,但是又没什么明显的症状。

4. the baby isout of sortstoday. perhaps he is cutting a tooth.那个婴儿今天不太舒服,他可能正在长牙。

5. you should sit down. you look a bitgreen around the gills.


6. my boss told me to go home. he sais i lookedlike death warmed over.


7. the long, hot summer had left me out of health,out of spirits.漫长炎热的夏季使我身体不佳,没精打采。

8. he's a wee bitpeely-wallythis morning.今天早上他看起来有点病恹恹的。

9. you look a littlepeaked.你看起来有点憔悴。

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