
发布 2021-02-09 16:16:28 阅读 3069

h**e a smoke?抽烟吗?

h**e a smoke, will you?你要抽烟吗?

help yourself to a cigarette.请抽烟。

would you like a cigarette?想抽支烟吗?

won't you h**e a smoke?不想抽支烟吗?

please h**e a smoke. it's a new brand.请抽烟,这是新牌子的。


no, thanks. i've just put one out.不,谢谢。我刚熄灭一支。

no, thanks. cigars are too strong for me.不,谢谢。我觉得雪茄劲儿太大了。

no, thanks. i honestly don't feel lik one at the moment.不,谢谢。我现在实在不想抽。

no, thanks. i never somke before meals.不,谢谢。饭前我从不吸烟。

no, thanks. i'm trying to smoke less.不,谢谢。我正在设法减少吸烟。

no, thanks. i've decided to give up smoking.不,谢谢。我已决定戒烟了。

no, thanks. not while i'm working.不,谢谢,工作的时候我不抽。

ok, i'll h**e one.好,我抽一支。


can you give me a light?借个火可以吗?

could i trouble you for a lighter?麻烦你借个火可以吗?


are you smoking a lot?你抽烟凶吗?

i'm a chain smoker.我是个老烟鬼。

you smoke just like a chimney.你的烟瘾真大。


i'm used to smoking with a cigarrette holder.我习惯用烟嘴抽烟。

i only smoke filter tips.我只抽有过滤嘴的香烟。


实用对话:a: h**e a cigarette, please.请抽烟。

b: no, thanks. i don't like anything without a filter.不,谢谢。我不抽没有过滤嘴的。

a: can you oblige me with a match?借个火可以吗?

b: here you are.给你。

a: thanks. you might find them pretty strong.谢谢,你可能会觉得这些烟劲儿很大。

b: i don't like strong one. do you smoke much?我不喜欢劲儿大的。你抽烟凶吗?

a: ten a day.一天十支。



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