
发布 2021-02-09 08:39:28 阅读 6668



怎么都行。i don't care. *向对方表示“不要再嗦”的心情。

what do you want for dinner? (晚饭你想吃什么?)

i don't care. (什么都行。)

anything's fine.

管它呢!who cares?

i don't think it's a good idea. (我认为那不是个好主意。)

who cares? (管它呢!)

so what? (那又怎么样?)

so? (后来呢?)

well?does it matter?

big deal.

what difference does it make?

随便你!whatever you want.

as you wish.

谁知道呢。nobody knows.

do you think the economy will improve? (你认为经济可以恢复吗?)

nobody knows. (谁知道呢。)

who knows?

no one knows.


it has nothing to do with me. *h**e nothing to do with… “完全没有关系”、“没关系”,表明坏事或不好的事与自己无关。

why don't you help him? (你怎么不帮他呢?)

it has nothing to do with me. (这跟我有什么关系。)

it's not my concern.

it's not my business.

it's not my problem.


i couldn't care less. *我没关系”、“没事”的口语说法,有些俚语味道。

i'm going to report you to our boss. (我要向老板告你。)

go ahead. i couldn't care less. (随便!我才不在乎呢。)

i don't give a damn.


nobody cares.

but i'm not a good dancer. (可我跳舞跳得不好。)

nobody cares. (没人注意你。)

nobody gives a damn. *语气较强,在有些场合下,听起来会有点下流的感觉。


let it be.

tom and mary are fighting a lot these days. we should do something about it. (最近汤姆和玛丽老打架,我们是不是得做点什么。

)let it be. (甭管他们!)


i don't care what they say.

everyone says you're a liar. (大家都说你是个**。)

i don't care what they say. (我才不在乎他们说什么呢。)

i don't care what they might say.

what they say doesn't matter to me. (他们说什么都跟我没关系。)

i don't care what anyone says.

other people's opinions don't matter to me. (别人说什么对我来说不重要。)

i'm not concerned about what they may say.

哪个都行。anyone will do.

which one? (哪个?)

anyone will do. (哪个都行。)

it doesn't matter.

anyone's okay.

anything will do.


we can do without him.

we don't need him. (我们不需要他。)

his help isn't necessary. (我们不需要他的帮助。)


i've got nothing special to talk about.

i've got nothing special to talk about. (我没什么特别要说的。)

that's okay. (那好吧。)

i h**e nothing particular to talk about.

i don't h**e anything special to discuss. (我没有什么特别要商量的。)

无所谓。it doesn't matter. *当被对方问“是a还是b”,回答哪个都行时。

do you want red or white? (你想要红的还是白的?)

it doesn't matter. (无所谓。)

i don't care.

it doesn't make any difference.

it's all the same to me. (对我来说都一样。)

i don't feel strongly about it one way or the other. (我不那么在乎是哪一个。)

either will do.

either one will be fine.


it's the same old story.

she only married him for his money. (她只是冲他的钱才跟他结婚的呀。)

it's the same old story. (这又不是什么新鲜事。)


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