考研英语“强化冲刺25天”搞定英语词汇 19

发布 2021-02-09 06:00:28 阅读 6315




汇(19)flare up突然发怒,突然烧起来give sb. sth. away出卖,泄漏give oneself up (to sb.

)投案,自首go along with相处得---赞同,同意go for适用,喜欢,支持go under下沉,失败。

hang back (from sth. )踌躇,犹豫head for向---前进impose on将---强加于某人knock out击倒,击晕let loose释放,放开participate in参加。

pass off (药效,疼痛等)停止preside over主持,长官prey on捕获,捕食result in导致,结果run for竞选run out用完,耗尽。

see about sth. /doing sth.办完,办理。


set out to do sth.开始做某事smooth over使(问题)缓解snap at厉声斥责stand up to经得起考验step in介入,干预。

stick sth. out坚持到底,忍受subject sth./sb.

to使服从,使遭受switch on接通(电流),开(电器)talk into说服talk over商量,商讨touch up修改,改进3.名词固定搭配absence from缺席accent on着重。

admission to许可,准许application for申请application to应用到。

arouse sb.’s curiosity about sth.激起某人的兴趣approach to接近,来临attach importance to重视。

be in (out of) contact with与---接触(失去联系)


be out of balance不平衡be friend(s) with与---保持友好。

be in (out of) harmony with与---一致(不一致)bear responsibility for对---负责break a promise违背诺言。

bring / put into operation实施,使生效bring shame on oneself给某人带来羞辱bring sth. to sb’s notice使某人注意---bring/call to mind想起bring to a halt使停止bring into action采取行动catch one’s breath喘息。

call down / lay a curse upon sb.诅咒某人cast a shadow over蒙上阴影catch at shadows捕风捉影catch sb’s eye引人注目catch fire着火,烧着。

catch / get a glimpse of对---瞥一眼catch sight of看见。

come to sb’s knowledge被某人知道come to sb’s notice引起某人的注意come to a point到紧要关头。


come /go into effect实施,生效。

come into a fortune继承一笔财产。

come into fashion开始流行。

come to a halt停止。

combination with与---结合。

commander in chief总司令。

communication with与---交流,与---通信。

commit a crime犯罪。

commit / make an error犯错误。

come into possession of sth.占有某物。

come / go into operation实行,生效。

come to one’s senses恢复理性,苏醒过来。

come to / arrive at a decision做出决定。

come to / arrive at an agreement with与---达成一致。

reach / make an agreement with与---达成一致。

come to sb.’s assistance帮助某人。

complaint about/of对---抱怨。

competition with / against sb.与某人竞争。

do a threat to对---有威胁。

do damage to损害---

do/try one’s best尽力,努力。

do sb. harm,伤害某人。


do one’s share for sth.为---贡献自己的力量。

draw a clear distinction between区分,分清。

draw/reach/come to/arrive at a conclusion得出结论。


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