英语 100

发布 2021-02-08 06:35:28 阅读 7601



1.welcome to our shop(counter)欢迎您来我们店(柜台)

step right in.欢迎您,先生。请进。


3. thank you (very much). 谢谢您(非常感谢)

are welcome.(not at all. don’t mention it.) 不用谢。

5. i’m sorry, it’s my fault. 很抱歉,那是我的过错。

6. sorry to h**e kept you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。


morning, sir, can i help you?早上好,先生。要买东西吗?

afternoon, madam, may i help you?下午好,夫人。能为您效劳吗?

evening, miss, do you want to buy something here?


can i do for you?您想买什么?

there anything you want me to show you?有什么要我拿给您看的吗?

you’ve decided to buy something, please let me know.


you want me to show you something?要我拿点什么给您看看吗?

i get you anything here?要在这里买点什么吗?

you like a darker coat or a brighter one?


particular brand?要什么牌子的?

material do you prefer?您喜欢什么样的面料?

kind would you like to see?您想看什么样的?

do you think of this one?您觉得这个怎么样?

you like this one?您喜欢这个吗? this one ok?这个行吗?

wonder whom you are buying for?不知您给谁买?


straight ahead, and it’ll opposite to you!一直往前走,迎面就是。

24.turn left and you will find them next to the tv counter.


the escalator to the third floor.乘自动扶梯到三楼。

the elevator down the building.坐电梯下楼。

you get off the escalator, you’ll see it on your right.


left at the end of this corridor, it will be in front of you .



me. this is way,please.我带您去,请这边走。


31. how about this one?你觉得这个怎么样?

one do you like?你喜欢哪一个?

are all the samples, you may h**e a good look first.


34、i’ll show you more to make a choice我再拿几种给您挑选。

35、i’ll get it for you right away.我马上给您拿过来。

36、i’ll pick out a good one for you.我给您挑一件好的。

37、try this one, will you?试试这件好吗。

is a good fit.这个很合适。

me help you put on it.让我帮您试穿它。

better try on both feet and see whether the shoes are comfortable.


is battery-powered, so i’ll try it for you.


is a fairly clear instruction book, be sure to read it carefully before using it.这是详细的说明书,使用前请仔细阅读。

be pleased to give you a demonstration of how to get it started


is better to wash it in clod water, so that you can prevent it from discolouration 最好用冷水洗,这样可以防止掉色。

better take it to the dry cleaner’s 您最好拿到干洗店去洗。

better wash it by hand instead of in a washing-machine.


it in the shade, please.请在荫处晾干。

check your goods, **oid to make a mistake.


will show you how to use it.它会告诉您如何使用的。


size would you like to see?您要看多大尺寸。

you want a large size or a medium size?您穿大号的还是中号的?

long(wide) is it?要多长(多宽)的?

big is your chest - line?您的胸围是多少?

big is your waist-line您的腰围是多少?

the one in your size.这是您穿的尺码/。 is a good fit.这个很合身。

largest we can offer is 39。最大尺码的我们只有39号的。

afraid we h**en’t anything in your size.恐怕我们没有您的尺寸。

afraid this is the largest we h**e.恐怕这是我们现有的最大的尺码。

is the smallest size in this style.这是这种式样中最小的尺寸。

61. it’s too big(small. tight. loose) .太大(小、紧、松)了。

62. here is the one in your size.这件是你要的尺码。


colour do you like?您喜欢什么颜色?

64. do you like this kind of color?你觉得这种颜色怎样?

h**e the same pattern in other colours.同样的式样我们还有其它颜色的。

colours doesn’t fade.我们保证不褪色。

color is very popular.这种颜色非常流行。


you like this design?您喜欢这个样式吗?

h**e many patterns for you to choose.我们有许多式样供您选择。

the latest fashion, very popular.这是最**式,非常流行。


71. the quality is good. 质量非常好。

is made of genuine leather, so it can wear a long time.


are more expensive, but they are super quality.


customers all h**e high comments on it.顾客对它的评价很高。

brand is a famous product.这个品牌是名牌产品。

long lasting. 非常耐用。

are distinctively chinese.它们具有中国特色。

78. you h**e good taste. 你眼光真不错。


price range did you h**e in mind?您打算出多少钱买?

ask 58 yuan for it.这个要58元。


301.did you enter the contest?你参加比赛了吗?302.do you accept credit cards?你们收信用卡吗?303.don t cry over spilt milk 不要做无益的后悔。304.don t let chances pass by 不要让机...


1。hello,may i could i can i speak to the manager,please?sorry,he is out.oh,just a minute,he is coming.您好,请经理接 对不起,他出去了。喔,请稍等,他回来了。2。hi,nice to meet yo...


2.welcome to our school 欢迎来到我们学校!3.hello.你好。4.good morning afternoon evening 早晨好 下午好 晚上好!to meet you.见到你很高兴。to meet you,too.见到你也很高兴。are you?你好吗?thank ...