
发布 2021-02-07 11:08:28 阅读 3039


1) a is(are) very(extremely/excessively) important/crucial/essential/vital/pivotal to b.

2) a is(are) of great(enormous/excessive) importance/significance/vitality to b.

3) a play(s) a/an important/crucial/vital part(role) in b.

case: 控制人口对人类社会的稳步发展来说非常重要。

to control population(population/birth control) is of enormous importance to the steady、constant development of human society.

4) the importance of a to b cannot be ignored/denied/doubted.

case: 从海外进口蔬菜水果有利于本国农业发展。

the importance of importing vegetables and fruits (of foreign countries) to the development of local/domestic agriculture(the local/domestic agricultural development) cannot be denied.

5) a mean(s) much/a great deal to b.

case: 参加体育锻炼有助于身心健康。

taking physical exercises means a great deal to one’s body and mind.

6) a is(are) everything/the whole world to b.

case: 利润是企业生存的全部。

profits are the whole world to the survival of enterprises.

7) a p**e(s) the way for b.

case: 独立思考有助于个人成功。

independent thinking(to think independently) p**es the way for personal/individual success.

8) a is the instrument of b.

case: 接受高等教育是一个人未来获得高薪水的重要手段。

receiving/accepting the higher/advanced education is the instrument of one’s gaining high salaries in the future.

9) a matter(s) to b.

case: 电视购物节目对于产品推广来说十分重要。

tv shopping programs matter to the product promotion.

10) a is to b what water is to fish.

case: 积累词汇对学习一门语言来说十分重要。

to accumulate(build up) one’s vocabulary is to learning a language what water is to fish.

vocabulary accumulation is to learning a language what water is to fish.

4. 高频句型:a对b不利。

1) a is(are) very/extremely/excessively harmful/poisonous to b.

2) a is(are) of serious/remarkable harm/hazard to b.

3) a exert(s) negative/harmful effects on b.

case: 吸二手烟有害健康。

secondhand/passive smoking is excessively poisonous to one’s health.

4) a is(are) a/an barrier/obstacle of b.

case: 大学扩招对提高学生素质来说是个阻碍。

expansion in college enrollment(enrollment expansion of colleges) is a barrier of enhancing/promoting/elevating the level(improving the qualities) of students.

5) a pose(s) a threat to b.

case: 持续增加的尾气排放严重威胁上班族的健康。

the increasing/rocketing/rising/mounting/soaring/ascending/ release/emission of tail gas poses a serious threat to the health of commuters (people commuting/shuttling to work).

6) a block(s) the path for b.

case: 对学生来说,过分关注考试成绩不利于他们获取有用的知识。

to(as for) students, paying excessive/enormous/remarkable/superfluous attention to exam results blocks the path for acquiring useful/instrumental knowledge.

7) a harm(s) the chances for b.

case: 不思进取不利于人们的事业进步。

seeking no progress(being unwilling/disinclined/reluctant to seek progress) harms the chances for advancing people’s careers.

the unwillingness to make progress harms one’s chances for advancing his careers.

8) a reduce(s)/drown(s)/sinks/buries/perishes/smothers/annexes(narrows down) the possibilities of b.

case: 国际旅游业的发展不利于本地历史遗迹的保护。

the development of international tourism reduces the possibilities of protecting/preserving local historical sites(relics/remnants/remainders).

9) a kill(s)/slay(s) the opportunities to b(do sth.).

case: 自私自利无法使自己获得他人的尊敬。

to be selfish kills the opportunities to earn others’ respect.

10) a serves as the poor guide to b.

case: 小气不利于扩大交际圈。

to be mean/stingy/miserly severs as the poor guide to enlarging one’s social circle.

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1.教育类。education 教育n.academic 学术的 adj.cultivate 培养 v.curriculum 课程 n.acquire 获得v.individuality 个性 n.stimulate 刺激v.potential 潜力n.expertise 专业知识n.词组 expa...