2019考研英语写作高频词句 三

发布 2021-02-07 11:05:28 阅读 5757

<考研写作--词汇升级>be likely to - be prone to. throw away- dispose of. praiseworthy- meritorious.

economical-sparing. knowledgeable-encyclopedic chase-be in pursuit of...in pursuit of fame and wealth, individuals usually go astray.

很多人在追逐名利时误入歧途。advantage-predominance give-render focus on- center on love-affection beneficial-conducive popular-pervasive famous-prestigious enough-adequate

考研写作--精彩小句> it pays to center on sustainable development.应该关注可持续性发展。never before h**e the graduates encountered more pressure of hunting a job than now.

毕业生从未遇到过如此大的就业压力。there is no reason to make a fuss about this trend. (make a fuss 大惊小怪) the answer seems self-evident.


考研词汇--小词汇大用处> 无动于衷 stay aloof and easy 制定具体措施 work out concrete solutions 颁布相关法规 enact related laws and regulations 随着社会加速发展 with the acceleration of society潜规则implicit/unwritten rules **腐败 official corruption ** take bribes 官二代 the second official generation 富二代 the second affluent generation

寿命life span/expectancy 营养不良 malnutrition 食品安全 food security 假冒伪劣产品 fake and inferior product有教养的 well-bred 百善孝为先 filial piety precedes all other virtues 感谢父母 be indebted to parents 向公众呼吁做某事 appeal to the public to do sth

考研写作--词汇升级>necessary-imperative poor-poverty-stricken famous-prestigious good health-buoyant health

考研写作--引用加分> 去其糟粕,取其精华 sift out the dross from the essence. 滴水穿石 drops of water outwear the stone. 凡事要有始有终 never do things by halves.

考研写作-小词汇大用处> 蒙受巨大损失sustain great losses 自食其果 reap what you h**e sown 重陷困境 revert to plight 逆境 unf**orable circumstance 痛快一时,痛苦一世 short pleasure, long lament礼仪之邦 nation of courtesy 国学 national study 刮痧 skin scraping 拔火罐 cupping 针灸 acupuncture 书法 calligraph 在写到传统文化类话题时可用。生态旅游 ecotourism 扔垃圾 litter 机动车 motorized vehicle 排放的污染物 emitted pollutant 交通堵塞 traffic congestion 环保问题在现代社会尤为明显 the problem of pollution has been magnified in modern society. 军事打击 military strike 经济制裁 economic sanction

考研英语写作--小词汇大用处>艰苦奋斗 painstaking struggle 不懈努力 unremitting efforts 路漫漫其修远兮吾将上下而求索 days stretching out in an endless vista,i will spare no effort to inquire and explore.(原创翻译,可指正)深入人心 be embedded in one's heart 合作去解决这个问题 collaborate on this issue 多方努力 joint effort/ende**or 让我最困扰的是 what haunted me most 可持续发展 sustainable development

考研英语写作--小词汇大用处> 通货膨胀inflation 物价飞涨 the price is soaring 房地产 real estate 日用品 daily commodity 遏制恶化的现状 curb the deteriorating situation核电站 nuclear power station 突然发生 crop up 失去自由/健康/创造力 deprivation of freedom/health/creativity 祸不单行 bad things always happen in threes 高危人群 vulnerable group

考研英语写作--小词汇大用处> 文化底蕴:the rich cultural deposit. 仔细思考:

mull over 好奇的,有求知欲的:inquisitive 不学无术地:ignorantly减免农业税负:

exempt from agricultural tax 城乡收入差距:income gap between urban and rural areas 前所未有的灾难(指日本遭受的**海啸):unprecedented disaster(massive earthquake and tsunami)


英语高考写作高频词。一 名词 按字母a z顺序 二 动词。三 形容词。四 副词。高中英语300 高频词翻译训练 名词 句子序号与上表的序号相对应。动词 1.应该指出的是孩子们很容易适应新的环境。adapt to 2.我请人调整了自行车的车闸。adjust 3.我劝他戒烟。advise 4.他倡议学生...


文都图书。一晃眼一年又快要过完了,处于年尾的2016年硕士研究生考试也近在眼前,想要打好这场硬仗,考生们要注意哪一科都不能差,尤其是考研英语。而对于考研英语来说,写作题是十分重要的一个题型,不能忽视,高频词汇之类的部分要经常拿出来看一看。n.图表 图纸。单词记忆 cha拼音是 插 art是艺术,图表...

考研英语高频词根 三

2019考研英语 高频词根 三 必备!很多同学说起背单词三分钟热度,要么就是头疼麻烦。其实英文的构词与中文的偏旁部首有相似之处,想快速记牢单词,要学会利用词根 词缀来解读单词,先理解了,再分析和记忆单词。掌握相应的词根 词缀和单词构成知识,就可以以一带十,巧力 记住海量的单词。为了让大家记住考研英语...