美联英语英语语法 高中英语语法手册

发布 2021-02-07 01:39:28 阅读 7003



what are you thinking about?你在想什么?

that's what i expect.那就是我所期望的。

i'm expecting a telegram.我在等一份电报。



just, yet, before, recently, once, lately等;也可以同表示濒度的时间状语连用,如often, ever, never, sometimes, twice, on several occasions等;也同包括现在时间在内的时间状语连用,如now, today, this morning, this year, this month等,但不能同特定的时间状语连用(in 1993, last year等)。

i wonder why jenny hasn’t written us recently. we should h**e heard from her by now.我想知道詹尼最近为什么没有写信来。


the price has gone down, but i doubt whether it will remain so.**已经**,但我怀疑这能持续多长时间。


注意:h**e not常简写为简略为h**en't, has not简略为hasn't.

how are you today? 你今天感觉好吗?

oh , i h**en't felt as ill as i do now for a very long time.好长一段时间以来,我没有像今天这样难受了。

h**e you seen my glasses? 你看见我的眼镜了么?

yes, i saw them on your bed a minute ago. 是的,我刚才看见你的眼镜在你的床上。

when i was at college i spoke three foreign languages, but i h**e forgotten all except a few words of each.我在大学读书时说三种外语,但现在除了几个单词外都忘光了。


1)表示发生在过去的动作或存在的状态到说话时刚刚完成或结束,通常使用不具有延续意义的动词,arrive, become, begin, break等。这种用法可带有迄今意义的时间状语,如up to now, so far, already, not...yet等。

也可带有包括现在时间在内的时间状语,如now, recently, in the past few years, just等。

i h**e already posted the photoes.我已经把**寄出了。

i h**e just finished my work.我刚刚完成工作。

h**e you had your lunch yet? —你吃过午饭了吗?

yes , i h**e .(i've just had it.) 是的,我刚吃完。

2)表示从过去某时开始一直延续到现在的动作或状态,也许还将继续下去。这种用法通常用于具有延续意义的动词,如live, stay, work等,并带有表示时间段的状语或迄今意义的时间的状语,如for, since等。

you don't need to describe her. i h**e met her several times.你没必要描述她,我见过他好几次了。

-i'm sorry to keep you waiting. —对不起,让你久等了。

-oh, not at all. i h**e been here only a few minutes. —噢,没关系。我刚来几分钟。

they h**e lived here since 1989.他们自从2024年以来就住在这里。

i h**en't seen her these days.这些日子我没见到他。

注意:表示短暂的动作动词或状态动词不能用于这种用法,如arrive, come, go, le**e等。如,不能说:

she has come to our school for 2 years.

3)表示到现在为止的一段时间内重**生的动作。常与often, always 等连用。

he has been late for class every morning this week.这个星期他每天早晨都迟到。

eight times he has tried and eight times he has failed.他试了八次,八次都失败了。

my father has always gone to work by bike.我爸爸一向骑车上班。


he will be back before i h**e finished my work.我完成工作之前他会回来的。

we will set off if it has stopped raining.如果雨停了我们就出发。


i understand what she has said to me.我理解她对我说的话。

we know that he has passed the english exam.我们知道他英语考试及格了。

6)用在“it(this) is(will be ) the first/second/third…time+ that从句”中。

在这种从句中,当主句动词为is/will be时,that-从句的动词用现在完成时,that 可以省略。主句中的主语还可用this, this evening等; 这种结构中的first也可用其他序数词;time也可由其他名词替代。

do you know our town at all?你对我们城镇熟悉吗?

no, this is the first time i h**e been here.不熟,这是我第一次来这里。

it's the first time i've been here.这是我第一次到这里来。

it'll be the first time i've spoken in public.这将是我第一次当众讲话。

7)“it (this)is the best( worst, most interesting等) +名词+从句”结构中的从句要求用现在完成时。

this is the best film i’ve ever seen.这是我所看过得最好的一部电影。

this is the most interesting novel he has ever written.这是他写得最好的一部**。


who is jerry cooper? 杰利·库珀是谁呀?

h**en't you met him yet? i saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting. 你还没见过他?


now you’ve done it.你这下可闯祸了。

when h**e i been treated like this?我什么时候吃这一套?


现在完成时与一般过去时都表示完成的动作,但现在完成时强调这一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调的是现在的情况,所以它不能和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last night, three weeks ago, in1990等。而一般过去时则表示过去的动作或状态,和现在不发生关系,它可以和表示过去的时间状语连用。

i h**e seen the film.我看过这部电影。(我了解这部电影的内容)

i saw the film last week.我上星期看了这个电影。(只说明上星期看了这个电影,不涉及现在的情况)

he has lived here since 1972.2024年以来他一直住在这里。(他现在还住在这里)

he lived here in 1972.2024年他们住在这里。(不涉及到现在是否还住在这里)


1)现在完成时不能和明确表示过去的时间状语(如yesterday, last week, in 1976, two days ago, just now等)连用,但可以和下列不确定的时间状语连用,如never, ever, always, yet, already, before, just, lately, so far, recently等。

she has already come.她已经来了。

i h**e met him before.我以前曾见过他。

so far , no man has tr**elled farther than the moon.至今尚未有人到过比月球更远的地方。

2)现在完成时还可以和表示从过去某时刻延续到现在 (包括现在在内)的时间状语连用。如today,this year,these days,this morning等。

美联英语英语语法 高中英语语法手册

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