浪费时间 a waste of time and resources
消磨时间的事物 a time filler
迷人的、吸引人的、**的 alluring adj.
上瘾be addicted to
沉溺于abandon oneself to v.
节制、避免、制止refrain vi.
冷淡、不和气、冷漠inhospitality n.
功利主义的utilitarian adj.
依赖科技的technology-dependent adj.
识别力、洞察力discernment n.
知识渊博的人a learned person
素质教育quality education / education for all-round development
学生的反馈 students’ feedback
课外活动 extra-curricular activities
心理缺陷 psychological defect
同龄人的压力 peer pressure
全面发展的 well-rounded adj. /versatile
团队精神 team spirit
培养 cultivate / foster / nurture v.
盲从follow sth. blindly / follow sth indiscriminately
适应 adapt to sth / adjust oneself to sth / become accustomed to sth
促进学生身心发展 promote the student’s physical /mental(or intellectual) development
就业技能 employable (or marketable ) skills
死记硬背 learn things by rote
承担责任 assume one’s responsibility
强烈的失落感 a strong sense of loss
独立思考和学习 independent thinking and learning
人际交往能力 interpersonal skill
体育运动 physical exercise
学习成绩 academic performance
就业前景 employment prospect
团队意识 sense of community / team spirit
学习环境 a learning environment
培养独立精神 cultivate a spirit of independence
高分低能的人 people with high marks and poor ability
追求卓越 strive for excellence
丰富知识 enrich one’s knowledge
高质量的教育 high-quality education
教育革新 educational innovation
激烈的社会竞争 fierce social competition
学习知识和技能acquire knowledge and skills
贫困impoverishment n.
不足的、不够的insufficient adj.
资金/预算紧张a tight budget
经济负担financial burden
下岗工人 laid-off workers
医疗服务better medical services wealth
城市建设urban construction
便捷的交通工具convenient transportation means
相互的帮助和支持 mutual aid and support
减轻父母的经济负担 relieve parents’ economic burden
竞争的压力 pressure and stress of competition
就读名牌学校 admission to prestigious school
交通拥挤traffic congestion
社会福利social welfare
**开支the government spending / expenditure on sth
基础设施 infrastructure n.
一种可行的措施 a feasible measure
城市规划者city planners
提供更多的就业机会offer more job opportunities
高额生活费用high cost of living
为…拨款 allocate money to sth / be a patron of / invest in /fund v.
一次性产disposable products
被耗尽be exhausted
使) 变得更坏、恶化、损害worsen v.
生态平衡 ecological balance / ecological equilibrium
可持续发展 sustainable development
砍伐森林 deforestation n.
可再生资源 renewable resources
生态系统 ecosystem n. /ecological system
生态系统 the ecosystem
深远的影响 far-reaching / profound impact
劳动力资源 labour pool
能源危机 energy crisis
处于灭绝的边缘 be on the verge of extinction
过于功利的 materialistic adj.
追求最大限度利润 pursue maximum profit
全球变暖 global warming
环保的能源environmentally-friendly resources
天然资源 natural resources
濒危物种 endangered species
环境恶化 environment deterioration
分辨善恶distinguish good from evil
抵挡住**resist the temptation
吸毒者drug addict
信任的、信赖的trusting adj.
公正的fair-and-square adj.
社会保障制度social security
死刑death penalty
触犯法律 break (or violate/ /disobey) the law
憎恨社会 resent society / hold a grudge against society
被绳之以法 be brought to justice
改造罪犯 reform criminals / rehabilitate criminals
执法部门 law enforcement agencies
惯犯 hardened criminals/ repeat criminals
再次犯罪 revert to crime
守法的公民 law-abiding citizens
改善生活质量 improve the quality of life
提高效率 enhance / boost efficiency
生物技术 biotechnology n.
远程通讯 telecommunications n.
惊人的速度 a staggering rate
有害健康的be physically damaging
久坐的生活方式sedentary lifestyle
人工智能 artificial intelligence
太空研究 space exploration/space research
科学成就 scientific achievement
科学探索 scientific exploration
尖端设备sophisticated equipment
提高工作效率 improve work efficiency
提高生产力 increase the productivity
既快捷又舒适 speedy and comfortable
尖端的技术 cutting-edge technology
文化同一性 cultural homogeneity / culture uniformity
席卷一切的潮流 sweeping trends
双刃剑 a double-edged sword
信息时代information era
电脑化 computerization
一体化进程 integration process
地球村 global village
翻天覆地的改变earth-shaking changes
不可避免的趋势 an inevitable trend
国际惯例 international common practice
有机结合东西方文化 synthesize the asian and western cultures
互联网的广泛使用 the proliferation of the internet
有力的交流工具powerful means of communication
灿烂辉煌的文化brilliant and gorgeous culture传递下去be passed down
名族团结 the harmony between ethnic groups (or races)
班级姓名学号得分 1.accordingly41.就我而言。2.equally42.一方面 另一方面。3.apparently43.养成 习惯。4.subsequently44.对 来说 是很必要的。5.lately45.生活标准。6.similarly46.经济实力。7.additionally4...
fail to do sth.没能做 enable sb.to do sth.使能做 make sb.unable to do sth.使不能做 help do sth.有助于做 帮助做 facilitate sth.lack sth.缺乏 动词短语。a lack of sth.缺乏 名词短语。a ...
英语作文常用启承转合句型。英语作文和中文一样有 启 承 转 合 之分。启 就是开头 承 就是承接 转 就是转折 合 就是综合或总结。中考学生英语作文篇幅有限,通常分为引言 推展和结论三个部分。引言段就是 启 推展段可由一个或两个段构成,一般是第一个推展段表示 承 第二个推展段表示 转 结论段表示 合...