
发布 2021-02-06 18:20:28 阅读 8211

let’s begin. /let’s start now.现在开始上课。

are you all today? /how is everything going with you all ?你们今天都好么?

, did you h**e a good weekend ? did you enjoy the holiday?周末过得愉快么?


! i’m going to call the roll .好,我现在点名。

now,please. listen while i seeif you’re all here.请安静,现在点名 !到。

anybody absent ? is anyone away ?有人缺席么? everybody here?都到齐了嘛?

anyone know where li is ?/where is li?有人知道李在哪嘛?

were away last lesson, weren’t you?上节课你没来,是吗? and see me after the lesson ,ok?

课后到我这来下,好吗? talking ,please. /stop talking请不要说话了 that clear ?


slowly/clearly.念慢些,念清楚些。 please./ speak louder.大声些。

it in english./ in english ,please.用英语说 you try ?你来试试好吗?

in pairs /threes/fours.二人/三人/四人一组。

a partner.请找一个搭档 ready for dictation.准备听写。

to the tape recorder/the recording carefully请仔细听录音。

into groups ,each person can say it in turn分小组,每人轮流发言 want all of you to answer the question .我希望大家一起回答这个问题。

like just one person to continue the sentence.我希望有个人来完成这个句子 let’s play the dialogue in pairs现在我们两人一组,联系对话 i’ll divide you in half现在我们平分两组。

go is it? you , be quick!轮到谁了,你,快点 turn next.第二轮该你(们)。

go third .他们进行第三轮。

score on the board and see which team wins我们将在黑板上计分,看哪组赢了。

want you to work in groups我想让你们分成小组 groups of four,/make groups of four.四人一组。

round and face your neighbor.转过身,面对你的同桌。

h**en’t anyone to work with ,h**e you ?你还没有合作伙伴是吗? about joining them ?加入他们怎么样。

do you spell / pronounce this word?这个词怎么拼/读。

misspelled /mispronounced the word这个词你拼/读错了 half way there你已经回答出一半了/答案有点沾边了。

am sorry . i didn’t quite catch you.对不起,我不太明白你的意思 you please say it again请再讲一遍 different opinion?

有不同意见嘛? you with me ?你们跟上我讲了吗?

i made myself clear ?我讲明白了嘛 questions有什么问题嘛。

go through the dialogue让我们把对话过一遍。

you get together in groups and discuss the idea?你们可以分组来讨论这种想法。

now ,please. let’s work in pairs.现在请安静,两人一组 volunteers.有自愿的嘛?

each other questons to find out what is different互相问问题,找出他们之间有什么不同。

some conversation pratice.做一些谈话练习。

we h**e enough tine/if time permits/if there is time ,perhaps we may spend afew minutes on doing it again.如果有足够的时间,也许我们可以话几分钟再做一遍 ,now, we’re going to practice a short dialog .好,现在我们练习一个短对话 work in two with the two pictures.


something new now ./we are going to do something new /different现在学习新内容。

to think it out for yourself .争取自己想出来。

then something new !let’s change the topic.现在新内容出现了,我们换个题目。

was a little better ,but not enough好一些了,但还不够。

good answer./nice work /great!/well done/good work/good job.答得好 interesting真有意思。

not quite right ,any other answers?/that’s close/that’s almost right.不完全对,还有别的答案么/很接近/基本正确。

quite ,can anybody help him/her/try again不完全对,有谁能帮他/再试一次 it over and try again认真思考下,然后再试一试 on来吧,试试。

h**e a break休息一会。

do .thank you就到这里了,谢谢。

start with the listening task我们先上听力练习。

read the text through and then explain the difficult points我先把课文读一遍,然后解释难点。

like to take in your lasthomework我要收你们上次的作业 your work on my desk when you le**e离开时把作业放我桌上。

h**e something to tell you before you go离开之前,我有些事告诉你们 stop here /that’s all for today今天的课就到这里。

your homework ,do exercises 3and 4 on page six家庭作业,做第六页上的练习三和练习四。

final will be a comprehensive test期末考试是没有范围的。

you know where to get the old exam你们知不知道去**拿考过的题? turn in the tests请把考卷交上来。


part a a different way of putting this is to say that 换种说法。accordingly 相应地,as sb.puts it 像某人所说,a pertinent question to ask would appear to be why 要问的一...


1 love at first sight unequal to forever and a day 一见钟情不等于天长地久 love at first sight unequal to forever and a day.2 i m to blame 我罪该如此。3 i was so untrue...


基本见面问候及问路。good morning sir madam 先生 女士早晨好。good afternoon 午安。how are you?你好么。do you speak english?你讲英语吗?i can speak a little english.我可以讲一点英语。please sp...