
发布 2021-02-06 14:35:28 阅读 4425



a bull of bashan woke the sleeping child with his noise.


a bull of bashan

这个习语可直译为“巴珊的公牛”。它出自bible(《圣经》)的psalm(《诗篇》):i was castupon you from birth.

from my mother's womb you h**e been my god. be not far from me, fortrouble is near; for there is none to help. many bulls h**e surrounded me; strong bulls of bashanh**e encircled me.



bull market


所以“牛市”是指**市场的**普遍看涨、延续较长的一段时间,“熊市(bear market)”则指不景气的**市场。

a bull in a china shop

瓷器店里的公牛”是指笨手笨脚的人。这个成语表意直观,**有趣。据说2023年,英国派遣勋爵lord amherst到中国商谈发展**问题。

可他不遵守中国朝廷礼节,导致商谈失败,最后只得无功而返。英国一家报纸于是发表漫画,将这位勋爵画成一只闯进瓷器店的公牛,讽剌他粗鲁败事。由于英国人向来有john bull的绰号,而china一词既可以指瓷器,也可以指中国,所以这幅漫画可谓一“画”双关。

milk the bull


比如:you asked him to help you just now? i think you weremilking the bull, for everyone knows he is too selfish.

take the bull by the horns


hearing thecry for help, the soldier took the bull by the horns and swam to the drowning girl withouthesitation.


he was a cat in the pan.




a flash in the pan昙花一现。


1. traitor n.叛徒;**贼;背信弃义的人。

he was depicted as a traitor.他被描绘成一个叛徒。

she spat at the traitor in extreme contempt.她极端蔑视地冲着叛徒吐了一口唾沫。

2. renegade n.叛徒;变节者;脱党者vi.背叛;脱离adj.叛徒的;背弃的;脱离的。

this morning's verdict would break the renegade.今天上午的裁决将会彻底击溃这个叛徒的阴谋。

the renegade is the first cousin to a rattlesnake.叛徒象响尾蛇一样地毒狠。

3. turncoat n.变节者;背叛者。

wine is a turncoat, first a friend, then a enemy.酒是叛徒,先是朋友,后是敌人。

some of the workers began to see him as a turncoat.有些工人开始认为他是一个叛徒。

4. rebel vi.反叛;反抗;造反n.反叛者;叛徒adj.反抗的;造反的。

reorganizing the armed rebel forces.重新组建叛乱武装。

in rebel-held areas no one will be able to vote.叛军控制的地区则不可能尽情选举。

5. defector n.背叛者;逃兵;叛离者。

the political defector was refuged in an embassy.那个政治叛逃者被一大使馆接纳避难。

a defector revealed the disposition of the enemy fleet.一个叛变者透露了敌方舰队的部署情况。


a clean breast of 忏悔。a you re restless.are you in trouble?a 你老是不安?有麻烦吗?b i ve done something i shouldn t b 我做了件不该做的事。a then make a clean breast of it,...


a sweet tooth 喜爱甜食。例如 a alana is getting fatter and fatter.why doesn t she try to lose some weight?a 阿兰娜越来越胖了,她为什么不试着 呢?b she has a sweet tooth and lo...


英语精彩习语汇总 27 2010 02 02 15 48 分类 英语篇 1.brown nose 拍马屁。例如 he is always brown nosing the boss.他总是拍老板的马屁。2.get the hang of sth 进入状态,摸到窍门。例如 you sit down a...