
发布 2021-02-06 07:30:28 阅读 3817

asking a patient about his illness:

any vomiting ?有没有呕吐?are you feeling nausea ?

你觉得恶心吗?are your bowels regular ?你大便正常吗?

did you h**e pains here before ?你这儿以前痛吗?do you cough ?

有没有咳嗽?do you feel short of breath sometimes ?你有时觉得气急吗?

do you feel tired ?你觉得疲劳吗?do you h**e any appetite ?

吃东西有胃口吗?does it hurt ?痛不痛?

h**e you ever had this experience(trouble) before ?以前有过这样吗?h**e you lost weight recently ?

你近来体重减少了吗?h**e you taken anything for it ?你吃过什么药了吗?

how bad is it ?厉害到什么程度?how far pregnant are you ?

你怀孕多久了?how long has it been this way ?这样有多久了?

how long h**e you had this trouble ?你得这病多久了?how are you feeling now ?

你现在感觉怎么样?how is your sleep ?你睡眠怎么样?

what did you eat yesterday ?你昨天吃了什么东西?what hurts you ?

你有什么不舒服?what seems to be the problem ?大概什么毛病?

what sort of pain do you get there ?你觉得这儿是什么样的疼痛?what’s matter with you ?

你有什么不舒服?what’s the trouble ?什么不舒服?

what’s wrong with your ear ?你的耳朵怎么了?when did the pain start ?

什么时候开始痛的?which tooth is troubling you ?你那个牙齿不好?

your case record, please .请把病例卡给我。

telling a doctor how you feel

about a week now.现在大约有一星期了。i cough a great deal at night.

我晚上咳得很厉害。idon’t feel like eating anything.我什么也不想吃。

i feel a pain in my left leg.我觉得左腿疼。i feel dizzy and i’ve got no appetite.

我头晕,没胃口。i feel feverish.我觉得有点发烧。

i feel hot and cold.我觉得忽冷忽热。i feel like vomiting.


i feel shivery and i’ve got a sore throat.我觉得怕冷发抖,喉咙疼痛i h**e a headache.我头痛。

i h**e a stuffed-up nose .我鼻塞。

i tried sime sleeping pills. but they h**e done nothing for me .我试过安眠药,但无效i’m aching all over.

我浑身都痛。i’mafraid i’ve got a temperaure .我恐怕有寒热。

i’m h**ing some trouble sleeping.我有点失眠。

i’m suffering from insomnia.我近来一直失眠。it keeps hanging on .

这老是不好。it started two days ago.两天前开始的。

it’s not a sharp pain,just sort of a dull ache.不是剧痛,只是有些隐痛。i’ve been sneezing all day.

我一整天喷嚏不断。i’ve had two more movements this morning.今天上午我已经大便两次了。

i’ve taken some aspirin, but it didn’t help much.我吃过一些阿司匹林但没用场just off and on .就是时断时续。

my eyesight is failing.我的视力正在衰退。my left foot hurts.

我的左脚受伤了。my stomach is upset.我的胃不舒服。

my weight fell from 50kg.我的体重从65减到50公斤。there’s a bitter tasete in my mouth.我的嘴里有一点苦味。

examing a patient

cough . now again.咳嗽,再咳一下。

does it hurt when i press here ?我按这儿时你觉得疼痛吗?go and h**e your chest x-rayed .

去x光透视一下你的胸部。how does it feel ?这有什么感觉?

i’ll h**e your temperature taken .我让人给你量一**温。i’m going to take a throat culture so we’ll know for sure.

做咽喉细菌培养以便确诊let me chech your lungs and heart.让我检查一下一的心肺let me feel your pulse.让我给你切脉let me sound your lungs.

让我听听你的肺部。let me take your blood pressure.让我给你量个血压。

lie down on the couch there .let me examine your belly.躺在床上,检查腹部now breathe in ,a deep breath.

现在呼吸,深呼吸open your mouth and say “ah”.张开嘴,说:啊。

open your mouth please, and show me your tongue.张开嘴,伸出舌头来please go and take a stool test.去化验一下大便。

show me where it hurts.给我看哪儿疼痛?strip to your waist, please.


there’s some respiratory murmur in your heart.你的心脏有些呼吸性杂音。you must h**e an electrocardiograph examination.

你必须做心电图检查。your blood pressure is normal.你的血压正常的。

your pulse is a bit fast.你的脉搏有点快。your tongue’s thickly furred.

你的舌苔有点厚。you’re to h**e a blood test.你要验下血。

diagnosig and treating

by the look of it,it should be a rash.从表面上看,这应该时皮疹。by the sound of it, it’s bronchitis.

根据声音判断,这是支气管炎。i don’t think it’s anything serious.我看这并不严重。

i should say you’ve caught cold.我看你感冒了。

i’ll h**e to give you a shot ,i’m afraid .恐怕我得给你注射一针。i’m afraid an urgent operation is necessary .

恐怕要立即动手术。it could be a case of tb.可能是结核。

it looks as if it’s scarlet fever.看起来这似乎是猩红热。it sounds like bronchitis.

听起来像支气管炎。it’s an acute case.这是急性病。

it’s inflammation of the skin .**发炎。

it’s nothing but a little infection in the finger tip.这只不过是指尖有点发炎。let me give you a needle to numb the tooth .

让我给你打一针让这颗牙齿麻木。the tooth’ll h**e to be taken out.这颗牙齿得拔掉。

the x-ray shows a fractured 光片显示足踝骨折。this infection may lead to respiratory complications.感染可能导致呼吸道综合症。

you must be hospitalized right now .你必须立即住院。you must h**e your appendix removed.

你必须切除阑尾。you probably h**e contracted the flu.你大概得了流行感冒。

you seem to h**e picked up some kind of infection.你似乎已受了某种感染。you’ll be tredted for a fracture of the bone.


you’ll h**e to stay in the hospital for oberservation for two days.你得住院观察两天。your left thumb suffers a comminuted fracture.

你左手的拇指是粉碎性骨折。your rheumatism should take a course of treatment for about a month.你的风湿病需you’re suffering a heart disease, i’m afraid.


giving prescription and advice

apply this tube of jelly three times a day.每日三次搽这管药膏。are you allergic to any medication ?

你对什么药有过敏吗?**oid greasy foods.不要吃油腻食品。

be sure to keep warm and rest .注意保暖和休息。come back and see me in two weeks if you’re notf eeling down on your drinking.

要减少饮酒。do not smoke .不要抽烟。

don’t overdo things.不要过度劳累。

drink more liquids and take the medicine i prescribed.多喝流质,服用我给你开的药drink plenty of water.要多喝水。

drink this mixture four times a day, one measure each time.这合剂每天,每次一格。get plenty of exercise.

要多锻炼身体。go home and rest for at least three or four days .回家休息至少三四天。

here’sa prescription for some medicine.这是药方。here’s a sick-le**e certificate for three days.

这是三天的病假单。i think a month at a health resort will do you good.我看到疗养一个月对你有好处。

if your fever lingers, come to me again.如果你热度不退的话,就再来找我。keep away from draught.


one tablet each time,three times a day after meal.每日三次,每次一片,饭后服用。put a plaster on the sore once a day.

把这个药膏敷贴患处,每日一次。put this lotion on every four hours.每四个小时搽用一次这种洗液。

rub in this cream once a day.每次把这乳剂用力擦入。stay away from work till monday ,and don’t overdo things.

不要上班,不要劳累take one capsule every four hours.每4小时服用一粒胶囊。take ten each time ,three times a day.

每日三次,每次10毫升。these tablets are to keep the fever down.这些药片都是退热的。

these tablets should clear up the trouble.这些药片可以解除这病痛。these vitamin b and c pills are to build up your resistance.

维生素是增强抵抗力的。this eye drops may improve your eyesight.这种眼药水可以增强你的视力。

this is for oral administration.这是口服药。this medicine will relieve your pain.

这种药将给你止痛。this solution is for external use only.这种溶剂只可外用。


asking a patient about his illness any vomiting有没有呕吐?are you feeling nausea你觉得恶心吗?are your bowels regular你大便正常吗?did you h e asking a patient about his...


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