
发布 2021-02-06 06:52:28 阅读 6408


1. i love you for you.我真心愛你。

2. i am a man of heart我是一個有心人。

3. words aren’t enough to say how much i love you語言難以表達我對你的愛有多深。

4. eat more and smoke less.多吃點,少抽點。

5. excuse the mess, please.我這裏很亂,請原諒。

6. 瑪莉把手杖戳進了地裏。 mary jabbed his stick into the ground.

7. 如果你持續那樣急促面不清楚的說話,那我可聽不懂你在說些什麼

i can’t understand you if you keep jabbering(away)like that.

8. 我點燃一支煙,冷靜下來。i lit a cigarette to calm my nerves.

9. 街道上擠滿了人群,什麼車輛也無法通過。

the crowds jammed the streets, and no cars could pass.

10. 那一跤震動了大衛每根骨頭。the fall jarred every bone in d**id’s body

11. 飛機飛行偏離了航線。

the plane flew off the course.

12. 傑克對所有這些現代觀念都抱有相當偏頗的看法。

jack has rather jaundiced opinions about all these modern ideas.

13. 喬治唯恐失去他的財產。

george is jealous of his possessions

14. 我被傷的不清。 i was deeply hurt.

15. 雪後後的蓋著大地。 snow lay thick on the ground16. 天冷的刺骨。 it was bitterly old.

17. 這狗小心的看守著它的骨頭。 the dog jealously guarded its bone.

18. 他把她殺了,然後拖到了灌木叢中。 after he had killed her, and dragged her into the bushes..

19. 桑迪乘吉普車越過沙漠。 sandy crosses the desert by jeep

20. 你是我心中的白雪公主 you cover every inch of my heart.

21. 你這個傻子! what a fool you are !

22. 如果你對老闆沒有禮貌,就可能危及到你成功的機會。 if you are rude to the boss, it may jeopardize your chances of success.

23. 我的頭疼的厲害。 i had a big headache.

24. 這的景點把遊人帶入了美的境界。 the spot captures the imagination of tr**elers.

25. 把毛巾用冷水浸濕,縛在傷口處。 moisten the tower with cold water and apply it to the wound.

26. 那輛舊公共車晃動了幾下就停住了。 the old bus jerked to a stop

27. 我喜歡聽相聲。 cross talk appeals to me.

28. 瑪麗總是拿她對他的感情來開玩笑。 mary always jests about her feelings towards him.

29. 你敢嗎? don’t you dare?

30. 小心端那個杯子,別搖晃它,不然你會把茶灑出來。 carry the cup carefully and don’t jiggle it , or you’ll spill the tea.

31. 愛使世界運轉。 love makes the world go around..

32. 我們隊好像有不吉利的東西,因為我們總是輸。 there seems to be a jinx on our team, because we always lose.

33. lisa在一家銀行裏有一個好職位。 lisa has a good job in a bank

34. 蘇被關進監獄。 sue’s in prison

35. 請在**裏填上姓名年齡和職業。 please state your name, age, and occupation on the form.

36. 我喜歡你。 i fell in like with you.

37. 傑克20年前當選為參議員之後,就開始了他的政治生?

his political career began when jack was elected to the senate 20 years ago.

38. 我忍不住了。 it was more than i could bear.

39. 你心目中的白馬王子是什麼樣子的? what’s your ideal man like?

40. 檸檬水是我的最愛。 lemonade is my f**orite..

41. 把這根管子和那根接起來。 join this pipe to the other one.

42. 可別在宗教上跟他們開玩笑。 don’t joke with them about religion.

43. 他們慫恿她跟他們一起去 they urged her to go with them.

44. 她憤怒的話語使他以為她愛他的信心動搖了。 her angry words jolted him out of the belief that mary loved him.

45. 他很有樂感。 he is very musical.

46. 他很快的跑回宿舍。. he ran to dorm at a fantastic speed.

47. 接上電源,看看這個收音機現在響不響。 turn on the juice and let’s see if this radio works now.

48. 我要知道其中有味道的詳情。 i want all the juicy details.

49. 從絕望之山上砍下來一塊希望之石。 hew out of mountain of despair a stone of hope.

50. 我知道就要發生什麼事,我心驚肉跳得厲害。 i knew that something was going to happen, and i was very jumpy.

51. 雨下得很大。 it’s raining cats and dogs.

52. 這裙子剛剛蓋過我的膝蓋 the skirt comes just below my knees.

53. 牆在這裏向外伸出,留出了建煙囪的地方。 the wall juts out here to allow room for the chimney.

54. 夕陽西下時,天空的顏色千變萬化。 at sunset the sky became a kaleidoscope of colors

55. 那船在風暴中傾覆了。 the ship keeled over in the storm

56. 瑪莉為他保守了15年秘密。 mary kept his secret for 15 years.

57. 把你花的錢記個賬 keep an account of what you spend.

58. 我知道你忙,我不會耽誤你。 i know you’re busy; i won’t keep you

59. 瑪麗把這件事的大部分都向我們講了,但有關她父母那一部分沒有說。

mary told us most of the story but kept back the part about her parents.

60. 她不幸的童年是形成她性格的關鍵。 her unhappy childhood is the key to her character

61. 他發火了。 he lost his temper.

62. 嬰兒常踢腿來運動他們的腿部 babies kick to exercise their legs.

63. 不要對那些罪犯心慈手軟。 don’t treat those criminals with kid gloves.

64. 這木柴太濕,不容易點燃 the wood was wet and wouldn’t kindle easily

65. 我們有很多志趣相同的地方。 we h**e a lot in common.

66. 風輕拂著她的頭髮 the wind kissed her hair

67. 傑克有一種走到**都能交到朋友的本事。

jack has a knack of ****** friends wherever he goes.

68. 太貴了。 it’s too steep.

69. 這個金屬線太硬,不容易打結。 this wire is too stiff to knot easily.

70. 我見過他一晚上就喝12杯啤酒。

i’ve known him drink twelve glasses of beer in an evening.

71. 瑪莉絕對不會故意地傷害任何人。 mary would never knowingly hurt anyone.

72. 他是我的最愛。 he is my significiant other.

73. george成功的爬上了山。 george hike up the hill sucessfully.

74. 這些植物因缺水而枯死了 75.一隻藏在窩裏的狼 a wolf in its lair.

76. 青春不是一生的時間。 youth is not a time of life.

77. 青春是年輕的心態。 youth is a state of mind.

78. 太空船在太空運行了一個星期後回到了地面上。

after a week in space, the spacecraft returned to earth.

79. 那事會弄得他蹲監獄。 that will lank him in prison

80. 行了吧。 come on!

81. 他生氣的走了。 he left angrily.

82. 那傻男孩子不加考慮地接受了他們所有的稱讚。

the silly boy lapped up all their praise

83. 過了幾年之後,傑克回來看過我們。

after a lapse of several years jack came back to see us

84. 吸煙讓我放鬆。 smoke relaxes me.

85. 瑪莉離開了他的工作,主要是因為感到厭倦了。

mary left her job largely because she was bored.

86. 傑克只是鬧著玩才那樣做的;他並沒有想傷害別人。

jack did it for a joke , he didn’t mean any harm

87. 他是一個內向的人。 he is a man of a few words.

88. 瑪莉勇敢地以笑來對付她的痛苦 mary br**ely laughed off her pain.

89. 傑克非常慷慨。 jack is very generous.

90. 法律和秩序是一個安寧的社會所必需的。

law and order is necessary for a peaceful society

91. 我整個上午全都懶散地混過去了。 i spent the morning just lazing

92. 瑪莉說了一些客氣話是為開口要錢作準備。

mary was leading up to a request for money with his kind words.

93. 那個政客向報界洩露了這個消息。

the politician leaked the news to the news*****s.

94. 那堵牆傾斜得很厲害,可能會倒。

that wall leans so much it might fall over.

95. 她媽媽向前探過身子去聽瑪莉在說什麼。

her mom leaned forward/over to hear what mary was saying.

96. 大多數青年對搖滾樂有偏好。

most young people are hooked on the rock and roll.

97. 我今天誰也不想見,特別是不想見他。

i don’t want to see anyone today, least of all him!

98. 這東西不怎麼好吃,但至少很便宜。

the food wasn’t good, but at least it was cheap.

99. 我希望他們馬上離開,我想睡覺了。

i hope they’ll le**e soon. i want to go to bed.

100. 我現在處理不了這件事,留著明天再辦吧。

i’ll le**e it until tomorrow.

101. 永遠不要放棄。 never say die.


赞赏用英语。1.wow 哇!叫绝声2.way to go 就该这么做 3.super 极好的 4.you re special 你不一般 5.outstanding 杰出的6.excellent 优秀的 7.great 伟大的8.good 好的9.neat 真整洁 10.well done 做得好1...


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1.好像早晨。八 九点钟的太阳 打一爱国华侨 2.人生有离合 打一字 3.半部春秋可避秦 打一字 4.树雄心改变困境 打一字 5.空中飘残云 打一字 6.最佳短影片 打一成语 7.连夜一直向前走 打一字 8.相识有流萤 打一字 9.好好相处结友谊 打一山西地名 10.收付符合 打一字 11.上台要为...