
发布 2021-02-05 16:50:28 阅读 2455

【用英语形容人的外貌】short 矮;tall 高;overweight 胖;plump 丰满;thin 瘦;skinny太瘦了;slim 苗条;medium height 不胖不瘦;tubby 矮胖;muscular 强壮;elegantly 优雅;good-looking 长的好看;plain 长的一般;well-featured 五官端正的;manly 男人味的;bald 秃顶的。

face tells it all.你的表情透露了一切。't look wise.

别自作聪明! never know.世事难料。

and neck.不分上下。 do i address you?

我怎么称呼你? isn't much.微不足道。

'm pressed for time.我赶时间。

s a closed book.他很自我保护。 happens all the time.

常有的事。 wonder.难怪。

the crap!少说废话!'t even think about it!

想都别想!'ll take a rain check.改天吧。

mean it.我认真的。 that's how it is.


m out.我不干了。 got a bone to pick with you.

我对你有意见。 always get your way.你一直为所欲为。

's close.差不多。 yourself out.

请便吧。 you like随你喜欢。 being crazy for a second.

先别发疯。's be reasonable.理智点。


s her 这是她的风格。 h**en't changed at all.你一点都没变。

'm up to speed.我了解最新情况。's like a needle in a haystack.

这像大海捞针。 are ****** small talk.我们在拉家常。

地道雅思口语】don't flatter me. 过奖了。don't push me up.

别逼我。you ask for it! 活该!

we h**e no way out. 我们没办法。dinner is on me.

晚饭我请。i'm dying to see you. 我很想见你。

chin up振作些。my hands are full right now. 我现在很忙。

talk truly. 有话直说。

怎样形容别人“二”】1、they are not that thick.他们没那么“二”。2、how thick could you get?

你还能再“二”一点吗?3、thick heads! 蠢货;4、you can be really thick!

你可真够“二”的! clown! 你真二!

美语中的各种颜色】 a red light闯红灯 blue心情不好 chocolate黑人(蔑称,慎用) black day倒霉/忧郁的一天 lie善意的谎言 worker白领 pink slip解雇信 pink非常开心。

和老外发短信常用的缩写n-r字母版】n-and;np-no problem(没问题);ne-any;nvm-never mind(不要紧);no1-no one(没有人);omg-oh, my god(天啊);oic-oh, i see(啊我明白了);pls(z)-please(请);pcm-please call me(请给我**); r-are; ru-are you;ruok-are you ok?

t-y字母版】tx-thanks;thanq-thank you;tyvm-thank you very much;tmb-text me back;u-you;ur-your;w/-with;w/o-without;w8-wait;w84m-wait for me;wan2-want to;wud?-what're you doing ;x-kiss;xoxo-hugs and kisses;y-why

常见裙子英文表达】连衣裙 one-piece dress;超短裙 mini-skirt;百褶裙 pleated skirt;喇叭裙 flare skirt;背心裙 jumper skirt;鱼尾裙 fish tail skirt;伞裙/宽下摆女裙 full skirt;西服裙 tailored skirt;直筒裙 straight skirt;a字裙/斜裙 a-line skirt;strapless sundress 无带背心裙。

各种鬼】魔鬼 demon;懒鬼 lazybones ;酒鬼 alcoholic ;醉鬼 drunkard ;烟鬼 chain smoker ;调皮鬼 naughty child ;捣蛋鬼 troublemaker ;吸血鬼 vampire ;胆小鬼 coward ;赌鬼 gambling addict ;色鬼 lecher ;洋鬼子 foreign devil;内鬼 rat, insider

电影演员的词汇】cast阵容;director导演;film/movie star电影明星;film actor/actress男/女影星;protagonist主角;support 配角;body double/stand-in替身;stunt man特技替身演员;extra客串;costume designer(影剧)服装设计师;make-up artist化妆师;script writer剧本作者。

胖】fat/corpulent肥胖的; he**y/huge体型巨大的; plump丰满的; chubby胖嘟嘟的; flabby肌肉松弛的; big-boned魁梧的; bulky高大肥胖的;chunky/tubby/dumpy矮胖的; he**y-set敦实的; stout粗壮结实的;obese超胖的;overweight超重的;paunchy/abdominous/ pot-bellied大腹便便的;well-built体格健美的。

瘦】thin瘦的;slim/slender苗条的;small/slight瘦小的;delicate纤细娇弱的;underweight体重过轻的;emaciated消瘦憔悴的;gaunt/scraggy/scrawny骨瘦如柴的;lean精瘦的;bony骨感的;withered干瘪枯萎的;walking skeleton骨瘦如柴的人。

如何表达“赞同”】 true!千真万确! said.

说得好。 got it.你算说对了。

bet.没错。 for sure.

那是当然。 true.正是如此。

right.你说得对。 minds think alike.


s odd.真诡异。 a know-it-all.

自以为是的家伙。 up!当心!

whole thing's bull squirt.整件事都瞎编的。 and learn.

吃一堑长一智。're trained for nothing.你书都白念了。

美剧口语】 to disagree.求同存异。 enough.

有道理。小气鬼。's really starting to get old.

这有点儿太俗了吧。'll hold that in reserve.作为备用吧。

's thinking ahead.真会未雨绸缪。 the small talk.

废话少说。'm rambling.我闲扯多了。


人生中需经历的10个难关】1)孤独 solitude 2)寂寞 loneliness 3)痛苦 pain 4)压力 pressure 5)** temptations 6)挑战 challenges 7)暗箭伤人 back-stabbing 8)丢脸 losing face 9)责任 responsibilities 10)失败 failures

6招打败顽固"拖延症"】1. don't think about it that much不要想太多;2. find alternative ways to do it.

不走寻常路 it as soon as you can越快越好; the task into small pieces分解任务5. praise yourself for starting the task自我表扬 your past experiences善于回顾。

your heart out!羡慕吧!无所谓。

beats me.难倒我了。 story short!

长话短说!'t rush me!别催我!

没风度!'t play dumb!别装蒜!

off!不许碰! a heart.


美剧口语】 fits the pattern.这很典型。 wasn't just any girl.

她不是一般的女孩。's big on trust.她总刨根究底。

will come around.她会回心转意的。 your whining.

不要发牢骚了。 your way.继续往前走。

rest comes with time剩下的顺其自然吧。—《吸血鬼日记》


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