初中英语相似 易混 短语辨析

发布 2021-02-05 09:34:28 阅读 2594


bit ;a little

辨析】两者均可作程度状语,修饰形容词或副词,常可换用。如:he came here a little (a bit)early.

他来的有点早。a little可用作形容词,直接修饰不可数名词,a bit则不能,但可与of构成短语,其功能与a little相似。如:

give me a bit of (=a little)milk ,please.请给我一点牛奶。注意:

not a little(much)“很多”,“不少”;not a bit (=not at all)意为“一点也不”,“一点儿也没有”。

练习』用a little a bit填空。

he is___taller than tom.

there is __water in the glass.

keys:①a bit②a bit/a little③a little/a bit of

few ;a little

辨析】这两者均可表示“一点(儿),一些”。但a few 修饰可数名词,而a little 修饰不可数名词。

练习』用a few a little填空。

he knows___english.

i am going to buy __apples.

keys; ①a little ②a few

of afraid to;afraid for(about)

辨析】afraid of---意为“害怕;忧虑;担忧”,后可接名词、动名词或从句,它着重强调对可能产生的后果担忧或忧虑。如:she was afraid of walking her husband up.

她担心会吵醒她的丈夫。afraid to --意为“害怕,不敢”,后接原形动词,它着重指不敢或害怕去做某事。如:

i am afraid to see him,我不敢见他。afraid for (about)意为“替某人(事)担心”,其后接人或事。如:

he is afraid for(about) his own safety.他为自己的安全担心。

练习』用afraid of afraid to;afraid for(about) 填空。

he is___his mother’s health

she was___what he might say .

she was __wake her mother.

keys:① afraid for(about)② afraid of;③ afraid to;

with ;agree to; agree on ,agree about

辨析】agree with后接某人,意为“同意某人(的意见)”。如:i can’t agree with you.

agree to后接“建议、计划”意为“同意某一建议、安排”等。后接原形动词意为“同意做某事”。如:

he agreed to this plan immdiately.他立即同意了这个计划。i do agree to help you with the work.

我确实愿意帮你做这项工作。agree on 意为“就---取得一致意见”。如:

we agree on the question。对这一问题,我们意见一致。agree about“对---有相同的看法”。

如:we agree about some books and disagree about others.对有些书我们看法一致;对另一些看法不一致。

练习』用agree with ;agree to; agree on ,agree about填空。

they h**e’t___the price.

do you __this arrangement?

i quite __his teacher.

we __some viewpoints.

keys: ①agree on,② agree to,③ agree with;④ agree about.

number of ;the number of

辨析】这两个短语虽只有一冠词之差,但词义则大不一样;a number of意为“许多”,后接可数名词的复数形式,用作主语时,其谓语动词一般用复数形式,number前往往有形容词small或large加以修饰,起强调作用。如:a large number of books are lent at the library every day.

图书馆每天借出许许多多的书。the number of意为“--的总数;数量”,后接可数名词复数,做主语时,谓语动词采用单数形式。如:

t he number of my books is five hundred and forty .我的书总数是540本。

练习』用a number of ;the number of 填空。

quite___students in our school are from the south .

__students is very large.

keys: ①a number of; ②the number of


lot of ;plenty of; a number of

辨析】a lot of意为“大量、许多”,后接可数名词或不可数名词,动词分别为复数或单数,它主要用于肯定句中,疑问句和否定句中改用为many,much.如:a lot of students are going of意为“大量、许多、足够”。

后接可数名词或不可数名词,动词分别为复数或单数,它主要也用于肯定句中,疑问句和否定句中改用为enough,many如:there is plenty of rain here. a number of意为“一些,许多”,后接复数可数名词,动词用复数。

如:a number of guests h**e come.

练习』用a lot of ;plenty of; a number of 填空。

are __people studying in the room?

he borrowed___books from the library this morning.

keys: ①a number of; ②a lot of/plenty of

night ;in the night

辨析】at night 意为“天黑时;晚上;在夜里”包括的时间从下午6点到深夜16点之间,可指在黄昏、在夜晚、在上半夜等。he came back at night .他晚上才回来。

in the night意为“在夜间,在夜里”,包括的时间比at night更长,从日落到日出之间的时间都可以说是in the night可指在夜间(里),在上半夜,在下半夜等,不过用得不广,通常用during the night

如:i woke up twice in the night. 我夜间醒来两次。

练习』用at night ;in the night 填空。

there was a rain __

i do my homework from 7to 9 o’clock___

keys: ①in the night ②at night

table ;at the table

辨析】at table意为“在进餐(时),table前面不加冠词,这是一个固定搭配。(注意不要把wait at table 和at table弄混,wait at table是固定短语,意为“当招待。伺候进餐”) at table长与be连用做表语,与其它动词搭配使用做状语。

例如:he was at table when we called.我们去拜访他时,他正在进餐。

at the table意为“在桌子旁”,用搭配词组,table前可有定冠词,不定冠词或其它形容词修饰。如:they were at the table playing cards.


练习』用at table ;at the table 填空。

he read the news*****___

he seldom talks___

keys: ①at the table ②at table

9. before long;long before

before long意为“很快,不久,”是指以说话当时或所述事件当时为准的“不久的未来”,而long before意为“很久以前”,后面跟从句或名词时,指该名词或从句所表示的“很久以前”;后面不跟从句或名词时,指主句谓语动词所表示的“很久以前”

如:i’ll see film before long 我不久就去看这部电影。

he said he had seen the film long before.他说很久以前看过这部电影。

练习』用before long;long before填空。

he received my letter___

i had heard about him __i saw him.

keys: ①before long②long before

oneself; for oneself ;to oneself

辨析】by oneself意为“独自的,无助的,”强调某人独自作某事,而不需别人帮助,还可说all by oneself以加强语气; for oneself意为“为自己(的利益而做某事)”还可作 ;to oneself意为“暗自,在心中”;常talk,say think等词连用。注意:say to oneself 意为“在心里想”,而talk/speak to oneself 长译为“自言自语”两者不可混淆。

例如:you must do your work by yourself?你必须独立做你的工作?

do you h**e anything to say for yourself?你还有什么要为自己说的吗?what are you talking to say for yourself?


初中英语 初中英语常见常考易混短语例解

一 at lot of 或lots of 与plenty of 相同点 它们都表示 许多 一些 的含义。区别是 a lot of既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。plenty of一般只用来修饰不可数名词。例如 1.our school has a lot of students.我们的学校有许...


1.older,elder her elder sister is three years older than she.她姐姐比她大三岁。2.look,see he looked around,but saw nothing.他环顾四周,什么也没看见。hearhe listened,but cou...

初中英语相似词语辨析 三

三 we llbethereintime.我们将及时到 达 那里。didn titellyoutobehereontime?我不是告诉你要准时来吗?辨析 intime的意思是 及时 指按照预定的时间还有富裕,可做些别的事情。ontime的意思是 准时 指正好在规定的时间内,既不迟也不早。另外,int...