
发布 2020-12-24 15:02:28 阅读 7479

my name is li fang. i h**e a new friend. her name is linda.

she lives in new york. linda is eleven years. she likes playing chess.

my hobby is playing chess, too. she often goes to school by bus. her mother is a doctor.

she goes to work on foot.

my name is li fang. i h**e a new friend. her name is linda.

she lives in new york. linda is eleven years. she likes playing chess.

my hobby is playing chess, too. she often goes to school by bus. her mother is a doctor.

she goes to work on foot. her father is a teacher. he goes to work by car.

every evening linda does her homework. her mother watches tv and her father reads news*****s. linda will come to china soon.

she is in england now. i’m excited.

请仔细阅读以下问题,并判断正确与否, 正确的写"t", 错误的写"f"。

) is a chinese girl.

) father is a doctor.

) father reads news*****s in the evening.

) mother goes to work by bus.

) likes playing chess.

mr brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife, mrs brown. from monday to friday he works in an office near his house. he is free on saturdays and sundays.

he has a nice garden beside his house. he likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on saturdays and sundays. the flowers are very beautiful and mrs brown likes them very much.

she often helps mr brown.

)1. mr brown lives inwith his wife.

a. a city b. a small town c. a big town

)2. he worksdays a week in his office. a. four b. five c. six

)3. he isn’ton saturdays and sundays. a. free b. busy c. happy

)4. he likeson saturdays and sundays.

a. working in his garden b. walking in his garden c. looking at his garden

)5. mrs brownthe flowers. a. likes b. doesn’t like c. often helps

my name is jim. my f**orite day is october l8th, because it's my birthday. i am very happy on that day.

i eat eggs for breakfast. then my friends come to my home and play with me. we sing and dance.

someone plays the piano and someone plays the guitar. lunch is very nice. after lunch, my parents take me to see a movie.

my f**orite movies are comedies and action movies. after supper, my parents, my sister and i watch tv. then i go to bed at ten thirty.

i don't do my homework on that day. i am very tired but happy on my birthday

) 1. jim's birthday is __

a. october 8 b. october 18 c. december 8th d. december 18th

) 2. jim's f**orite movies are __

a. comedies b. action movies c. thrillers d. a and b

) 3. jim goes to bed at

a. 10:30 b. 10:13 c. 10:00 d. 3:10

) 4. does jim do his homework on his birthday?

a. yes, he does. b. no, he doesn't. c. no, he isn't. d. i don't know

) 5. how is jim on his birthday?

a. tired. b. happy but not tired. c. tired but happy. d. happy

my name is lily. this is my house. there are five rooms in my house.

this is my father and mother’s room. there are three pictures on the wall. there is a desk near the window.

there are two chairs behind the desk. on the left of the room, there is a toilet. on the right, it’s my room.

there are four pictures and a poster on the wall.


)1. this is lily’s house.

)2. there are four rooms in the house.

)3. there are three pictures in lily’s room.

)4. there are two chairs and a desk in father and mother’s room.

)5. the toilet is on the left of my father and mother’s room.

betty and kitty betty and kitty are twins. they’re 12 years old. they look the same.

but they h**e different hobbies. betty likes collecting stamps. she has many beautiful stamps.

they’re from different cities and countries. but kitty likes growing flowers. the flowers are all very beautiful.

betty and kitty both like reading books. betty likes reading storybooks. but kitty likes reading science sunday, they usually ride bikes to the park.

they can play with their friends there. sometimes their parents go there, too.


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