二年级入学测试卷 含答案

发布 2020-12-07 06:59:28 阅读 5096





)1. yell___黄色 (眼睛)

a. o b. ou c. oa d. owa. r b. y c. w d. a

)3. bla___黑色 (猴子)

a. c b. ck c. ch d. ka. e b. a c. i d. o

) 九 (鸭子。

a. e b. i c. c d.

二、连线 (1*10=10分)

最喜爱的动物a fat cow

一头狮子a lion

好医生baby pigs

一个矮个的小男孩a cute panda

一头胖胖的奶牛f**ourite animal

一条长蛇play with your football

一只非常高的长颈鹿good doctor

玩你的足球a long snake

猪宝宝a very tall giraffe

一只可爱的熊猫a short boy



a. good afternoon!

b. good evening!

c. good night


a. what color is it?

b. how are you

c. what’s this?


a. how many apples are there?

color is this apple?

old is the apple?


a. good morning.

b. goodbye

c. good night

)5. 询问对方喜不喜欢吃苹果,应该怎么问:

a. do you like apples? b. i like apples. c. it’s an apple.


this is my eyethis is a cow. (

these are my handsthis is a pig. (

she is my grandpai like basketball. (

they are hatsshe is a teacher.(

he is a driverthis is a boy .(


) 1、 my father is a teacher.

) 2、 my grandma is a nurse.

) 3、 my sister is a pupil.

) 4、 my mother is a doctor.

) 5、 my father is doctor





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