
发布 2020-12-07 03:23:28 阅读 5046

【篇一】 the postman

every morning, my mother will check on the mail box and see if there is letters. i know the postman well, he is a young man and he is very kind. he is doing this job for two years and he enjoys what he does.

i admire him, because he will deliver the message on time, even though there is rain.


【篇二】 the future world

as we live in the modern world, we are access to the high technologies. our life bees much convenient, we can use puter and smart phones to solve the problem of distance. in the future, there is no doubt that the world will be developed well, our life will be facilitated by all kinds of new technologies.

i am so looking to the future scene.



【篇三】 the injection

h**ing an injection is every child’s nightmare. when i get sick, i am so afraid of telling my parents, because i don’t want to go to see the doctor and h**e an injection. though the doctor always tells me that it will not hurt me at all, i still cry.

but now i bee much br**e, i will turn around my face and then i will not feel the pain.



【篇四】 olympic games

my father likes to watch all kinds of sports, so when i spend the time with him, we watch the match together. the summer olympic games is ing soon, i feel so excited, my father will follow the games and i will pany him. it is a great time for both of us.

we share our opinion and talk like friends.



【篇五】 the sad thing

i h**e raised a pet cat for two years, but since last week, the cat doesn’t feel like eating any food, it just lies down the ground and looks weaker. i am so worried about him, i want him to get better soon. so i buy him the delicious food, but it looks the same.

i hope seeing the doctor can make him better.




二单元。p2 p9 第2页 第9页。p2 this is my family.这是我的家庭。i h e a happy family.我有一个快乐的家庭。p3 who s she?她是谁?she s my grandma.她是我的奶奶 姥姥 p4 who s he?他是谁?he is my dad....


第三单元。p18 p25 p18there is a lake in the park 公园里有一面湖水。p19what can you see in the picture?在这幅图里你能看到什么?i can see ducks and boats.我能看到鸭子和船。what do you see...


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