
发布 2020-11-21 23:54:28 阅读 4899

学校: 班级: 姓名:


___b c d __f g ; p q r

h il m n ; u vy __


)1,a , mother b, mather c, mothre

)2,a, lnog b, long c, lgon

)3,a, chair b, chari c, chiar

)4,a, grape b, garpe c, graep

)5,a, wnidow b, window c, widnow


)1,a, bus b, bike c, zoo

)2,a, peach b, apple c, lion

)3,a, friend b, father c, grandfather

)4,a, deer b, banana c, tiger

)5,a, girl b, boy c, miss


)1,silly me ! a, 在你的玩具箱里吗?

)2,is it in your toy box ?.b, 我真傻!

)3, here you are. c, 谢谢你!

)4, thank you! d, 没问题!

)5, no problem! e, 给你。


)1, nice to see you again.

a, good afternoon, teacher.

b, nice to see you too.

)2, who’s that boy ?

a, she is my sister.

b, he’s my brother.

)3, how many books can you see ?

a, i h**e 5.

b, i can see 5.

)4, do you like apples ?

a, yes, i do.

b, thanks.

)5, where is my book ?

a, it’s on the desk .

b, it’s so big !


)1,two a, 学生。

)2,student b, 十一。

)3,eleven c, 小的。

)4,grandma d, 二。

)5,small e, 我的。

)6,my f, 高的。

)7, (am) g, 小船。

)8,tall h, 长颈鹿。

)9,giraffe i, 早上。

)10, boat j,奶奶。



a, happy women’s day !

b, happy teacher’s day !


a, how are you?

b, nice to see you again!


a,who,s this man ?

b, who,s that man ?


a, thank you !

b, where is my pen ?


a, look out!

b, excuse me.


a, where are you from ?

b, welcome !

)7,当别人问你来自**后, 应回答说。

a. you’re welcome. b. i’m from america. c. my name is li mei.

)8,当你把物品给别人时, 应说: _

a. it’s here. b. here you are. c. here it is.


a, where is my pen?

b, it’s here.


a, goodbye.

b, you are right.


学校 班级 姓名 一,请根据字母顺序填空,并注意大小写形式。10分 b c d f g p q r h il m n u vy 二,选出书写正确的单词,把序号填入左面括号里。10分 1,a mother b,mather c,mothre 2,a,lnog b,long c,lgon 3,a,cha...


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