
发布 2020-11-21 17:48:28 阅读 8756









( )1. a. it’s a snakeb. they’re snakes.

( )2. a. no, i like rabbits. b. no, i don’t like rabbits.

( )3. a. my name is kitty. b. i’m a girl.

( )4. a. i like dollsb. yes, we like dolls.

( )5. a. his name is ben. b her name is kitty. 25san


1. can he hear ano, he cant’s . he can hear a __

2. close your eyesthis. is ityes, it is

3. do you like monkeys? no, i don’t. i like___

4. what do you h**e? i h**e someand

5. whatis your ball? it’s red and __


1. make2. ten3. nice

4. pig5. dog6. cup


ice cr__ m b__ke robo__ j__ice si___g t___ger


)1. what can you see? i can see __apple.

a. two b. a c. an

) 2. i can see gloves __winter.

ab. in c. on

) 3. i h**e a doll. he __a ball.

a. h**e b. too c. has

) eyes are small. your nose___small

a. is b. am c. are

)5. sam is two. _is black and white.

a. his c. he

) 6. this is my friendname is kitty.

a. she b. her c she


)1. how old is bena. she’s my sister.

) 2. who’s sheb. no, it isn’t.

) 3. what is itc. he is ten.

) 4. is this your bookd. it’s lemon.


my name is ben. i’m ten. i h**e a sister.

her name is kitty. she is eight. she is tall.

she is beautiful. my sister and i like animals. we h**e a dog.

its name is dam. it’s two. it’s black and white.

it can play toys. it’s big. we like sam very much.

( )1. ben is ten.

( )2. ben has a brother.

( )3. sam is two.

) 4. sam is brown and white.

) 5. ben and kitty like animals.




)1. how are you

)2. what animal do you like

)3. my eyes are small. how about your eyes

)4. what colour is your desk

)5. how old are you


答案。一。看拼音写词语。d sh r u ru x n x b n w n 地势 柔弱 信息 斑纹 j ng y ng h n j sh n h r n w 晶莹 痕迹 珊瑚 任务 ch ji o zh n q n y sh u m b xi ji 触角 珍禽异兽 目不暇接 二。判断正误,对的画 错...


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