
发布 2020-11-21 17:52:28 阅读 8946

三年级下册期末试卷ⅰ 听力部分 (32%)

一、listen and colour(8分)

二、listen and match(8分)

三、listen and circle(8分)

四、listen and tick or cross(8分)

综合语言运用部分 (68%)



father grandma sister brother mother sarah grandpa


thirteen eleven

nineteen 18-6= 13+7= twelve

sixteen twenty


1. who’s that man? he is my father.

2. hello,i am amy. i’m from america.

3. how many books do you h**e?i h**e fourteen.

4. the duck is in the box.

5. this is a mouse. it’s small.


听力材料。1.1)colour the orange red and orange.

2)colour the hot dog yellow and brown.

3)colour the pear green and yellow.

4)colour the peach green and pink.

2.1)girl:prc,prc,i’m from china.

2)boy:uk,uk,i’m from the united kingdom.

3)girl:usa,usa,i’m from america.

4)boy:can,can,i’m from canada.

3.1)boy:where’s my kite?

girl:it’s in the tree.

2)boy:where’s my bag?

girl:it’s on the desk.

3)boy:where’s my ball?

girl:it’s under the chair.

4)boy:where’s my car?

girl:it’s in the box.

4.1)the ruler is short and the pencil is long.

2)the ball is small and the car is big.

3)this bike is big and the bus is small.

4)i’m no 1. i’m big. you’re no 7. you’re small.


) 1. hi, i'm amy. i am aa. boy b. girl

) 2. -who's that man? -he's mya. father b. grandfather.

) 3. -how many kites can you see? -i can seea. twelve b. twenty

) 4. i likea. peaches b. oranges

) 5. i h**e aa. taxi b. jeep

) 6. the rabbit hasears. a. long b. tall

) 7. show mea. prc b. jpg

) 8. my car number isa. y 231 b. x 519

) 9. -where is my pencil? -it's under thea. desk b. chair

) 10. i can say from a toa. g b. j





) hi, i'm amy. i'm from america.

) who's that woman?

) where are you from?

) do you like watermelons?

) oh, you are tall. i'm short.

) i can see 15 monkeys.

) she's my mother.

) sorry, i don't like watermelons.

) look, the crayon is under the book.

) how many monkeys can you see?



) 1. a. i'm from canada. b. i'm john.

) 2. a. she's my sister. b. he's my grandfather.

) 3. a. ok! b. goodbye.

) 4. a. oh, how nice! b. i can see 17.

) 5. a. thank you. b. yes, i do.

) 6. a. certainly! b. look out!

) 7. a. great! b. on the desk.

) 8. a. see nice to meet you, too.

) 9. a. sure, here you oh, it's so big.

) no, thank you. b. no problem.


b. desk

a. dog


答案。一。看拼音写词语。d sh r u ru x n x b n w n 地势 柔弱 信息 斑纹 j ng y ng h n j sh n h r n w 晶莹 痕迹 珊瑚 任务 ch ji o zh n q n y sh u m b xi ji 触角 珍禽异兽 目不暇接 二。判断正误,对的画 错...


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