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junior english(grade 8)unit one me and my class

lesson 1

1how do you like ..

你觉得。怎么样?你对。感觉如何?例:how do you like this movie?你觉得这部电影怎么样?2be happy/glad to do

高兴做某事请;做某事感到高兴例:i’m very happy to study here.我很高兴能在这里学习。3such+冠词+形容词+名词。

例:such a long holiday如此长的一个假期such an big apple如此大的一个苹果4one...the other (one)..一个。另一个。

例:i h**e two brothers, one is jack, the other is tom.我有两个弟弟,一个是杰克,另一个是汤姆。

5make friends ( with sb.)(和某人)交朋友例:you always like to make new friends.

你总是喜欢结交新朋友。6introduce sth./sb.

to sb.

把某物/某人介绍给某人;向某人介绍某物/某人例:you can introduce yourself to lucy.你可以向露西介绍你自己。

7a be(am/is are) the same as b:a和b是一样的例:it’s almost the same as grade 7.


8a lot of = lots of许多后接可数名词复数或不可数名词例:a lot of photos许多**a lot of water许多水9look for寻找(强调寻找的动作)

例:i will look for one book.我要找一本书。

10 give sb. advice on sth.给某人关于。

的建议例:li ming g**e me some advice on english study.李明给我提了一些关于英语学习的建议。

11 to start a conversation with sb.开始跟某人聊天/交谈/谈话例:i want to know how to start a conversation with her.

我想知道怎样才能跟她聊起来。12 to prepare for为。做准备。

例:i need to prepare for my class tomorrow.我需要为明天的课程做准备。13 to h**e trouble doing做某事有困难。

例:he has trouble finding answers to questions.他回答这些问题有困难。

14 on one’s own独立地例:he did it on his own.这件事他独立完成了。

i answered the questions on my own.我自己回答了这些问题。15 a few+可数名词复数一些,少许,几个例:

a few things一些事情a few students几个学生。

16 to ask sb. for help向某人求助。

例:you can ask your classmates for help.你可以找你的同学帮忙。

17 be sure to do一定,必定,无疑例:it’s sure to rain.一定会下雨。

you are sure to find a website.你一定能找到一个**。lesson 2

1look like=be like看起来像例:you look like a are like a dancer.你看起来像一个舞者。

2advise sb to do建议某人做某事例:he advised me to choose that one.他建议我选那一个。

my mother advises me to drink much water.我妈妈建议我多喝水。3be up to sb.由某人决定。

例:it’s up to you.由你决定/你决定吧4to agree with sb.

同意/赞成某人的意见例:i agree with you.我赞同你的看法。

5a little(bit)一点点。

例:this bag is a little bit too big for me.这个包对我来说有点太大了。

lesson 3

1it is easy to do做某事很容易。

例:it’s easy to make new friends for me.对我来说交新朋友很容易。2write down写下;记下。

例:please write down your names.请写下你们的名字。

3go ahead (with sth.)(由指经某人允许)开始做,着手干例:--may i ask you some questions?

我能问你一些问题吗?--sure, go ahead.当然可以,你问吧。

4mind (请求允许或客气地请人做事)介意例:do you mind if i open the window?我把窗户打开好吗?

would you mind opening the window?请您把窗户打开好吗?do you mind driving?

你来开车好吗?do you mind my smoking?我可以抽烟吗?


例:i can’t swim either.我也不会游泳。lesson 4

1argue with sb.和某人争吵。

例:yesterday, i argued with my dad.昨天我跟我爸吵架了。

2two peas in a pod(一个豆荚里的两颗豌豆)比喻两个人很要好例:they are like“two peas in a pod”.他俩关系很好,是铁哥们儿。

3to spend sth. (in) doing sth.花(时间)做某事;度过例:

he wants to spend more time playing basketball.他想花更多的时间打篮球。4stop doing sth.


例:please stop smoking.请不要吸烟。

stop to do sth.停下来去做另一件事情例:i stop to think about my life.


5to one’s surprise出乎某人的意料,令某人惊讶的是例:to my surprise, he is such a good singer.令我惊奇的是,他唱歌太好听了。

6no way决不;不可能;没门儿;例:no way! i don’t need your help.

我决不需要你的帮助!7to part (from sb.)离开,分别例:

we parted at the airport.我们在机场分手了/分别了。8awful adj.

很坏的,极讨厌的,难过的例:i feel awful.


9that’s cheating!那是作弊!10 to feel bad感到愧疚或遗憾例:they both felt bad the next day.

第二天,他俩都感到很愧疚。11 hold out sth.伸出。

例:he held out his hand.他伸出手。12 to feel embarrassed感到窘迫,尴尬。

例:he wanted to say something, but he felt embarrassed.他想说点啥,但是感到很尴尬。

13 to make a deal达成协议,交易14 to hope for sth.希望,期望(某事)

例:we are hoping for good weather tomorrow.我们希望明天是个好天气。lesson 5

1to feel lucky to do.做某事感到很幸运。

例:i feel lucky to meet.见到你我感到自己很幸运。2to start doing sth.开始做某事。

例:she started teaching two years ago.她两年前开始教书。

3to encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事例:she encourages us to ask questions.她鼓励我们问问题。

4be knowledgeable about sth.博学的,有见识的,知识渊博的例:she is very knowledgeable about english,她在英语方面懂得很多。

5enjoy sth.喜爱,享受。的乐趣例:we all enjoy chinese food.我们都喜欢中餐。lesson 6

1h**e the pleasure of doing sth.高兴做某事例:i had the pleasure of talking to lily.跟莉莉聊天我很开心。

2to invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事请例:

she invited me to go to the movies with her.她邀请我跟她一起看电影。

3it’s time for sth./it’s time to do sth.该做某事情了例:

it’s time for bed.该睡觉了it’s time to sleep.该睡觉了it’s time for lunch.

该吃午饭了it’s time to h**e lunch.该吃午饭了4it’s one’s pleasure to do sth.某人做某事很高兴例:

it’s my pleasure to talk to you.跟你聊天我很开心。


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junior english grade 8 unit one me and my class lesson 1 1 how do you like 你觉得。怎么样?你对。感觉如何?例 how do you like this movie?你觉得这部电影怎么样?2 be happy glad to ...


junior english grade 8 unit one me and my class lesson 1 1 how do you like 你觉得。怎么样?你对。感觉如何?例 how do you like this movie?你觉得这部电影怎么样?2 be happy glad to ...