
发布 2020-11-17 12:51:28 阅读 3145




1. 篮球2. 或者3重的。


8.回答9.足球10. 尝试。


1. sport(复数完整形式反义词。

复数5. buy(过去式6. light(反义词。

7. hit(现分)__8. taught(原形)__名词)__反)__


) we___a t-shirt for li ming .

a. buy b. bought c. is buying

)2. do you h**e __ping-pong balls ?

a: some b. little c. any

) ming___the ball yesterday.

b. hits c. hitting

)4.__are they? five yuan.

a. how much b. how far c. how old

)5. -what are you going to do?

am going to watch the basketball game.

went to the park.

is putting the ball in the net。

)6. what sports do you

a. play b. buy c. get d. go

)7. i’m __the basketball.

a. throwing b. sitting c. dancing d. standing

)8. i’m __the ping-pong ball to jenny.

a. throwing b. sitting c. dancing d. hitting

)9. can you teach meping-pong ?

a: played b; play c: to play d: playing

)10. do you want these __those ?

a: and b: or c: but d: for

) ball is __light.

a: to b: two c: second d: too

)12. did you __fun today?

a: h**e b: has c: h**ing d: had

)13. this morning, jenny __a pen at the shop.

a: buy b: buys c: bought d: buying

)14. li ming often __basketball in the afternoon.

a: play b: played c:plays d:playing

15.--what did you do this evening?

webob play basketball.

a: watched b:watch c:watches d:watching


1. at the sports shop2. play basketball

3. throw the basketball4. h**e fun

5. each other6. play a game

7. a basketball game8. this evening

team10. we’re home


1. best , basketball , i , like (

2. now , need , some , we , ping-pong , balls (.

3. am , the , throwing , basketball , i (

4. last , i , saw , sunday , some , balls (

5. yelled , we , bob’s , for , team (.


)1. can you play ping-pong?

22、绿色植物的一些细胞能进行光合作用,制造养料,它们好像是一个个微小的工厂。( 2. where did you go?

)3. do you h**e a basketball?

)4. did you h**e fun?

答:如水资源缺乏,全球气候变暖,生物品种咖快灭绝,地球臭氧层受到破坏,土地荒漠化等世界性的环境问题。 a:

me ,too. b: no, i don’t h**e.

c: we went to a store.

d: yes, i cane: yes, i did.


答:说明米饭不是甜的,但米饭含有淀粉,在我们咀嚼的过程中发生了变化,变得有甜味了。1. i can seesome / any ) birds in the tree.

2. do you want these runnersor / and ) those runners?

3. jenny and li ming oftenbuy) things at the shop.

预计未来20年,全球人均供水量还将减少1/3。4. this afternoom , theyteach) each other a sport.

5. did bob’s teamplay) a game?


1. ping-pong is my f**ourite sport.

2. these balls are five dollars.

14、在太阳周围的八颗大行星,它们是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星。3. are you ready to learn to play ping-pong?



unit1 sports lesson 1 ping pong and basketball 1.words 单词。sport运动。f ourite 最喜欢的。football 足 basketball 篮球。teach教。learn学习。tomorrow 明天。greatalso也,还。need需...


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c.on d.at 9.my mum is breakfast.三 句型转换。is what it 连词成句 i would eggs 连词成句 is watching tv now.对划线部分提问 is a bedroom.变为复数句 time for supper.改为同义句 四 阅读短文,回答...