
发布 2020-11-10 00:48:28 阅读 8632

一、听力部分 (共四大题,40分)

.听辨单词(共5小题,10分 )



ii.听辨句子(共10小题,10分 )


.对话理解(共5小题,10分 )


( )1. what did she do yesterday?

a. she watched tv. b. she swept the floor. c. she saw a snake

)2. what happened last week?

a. the wind blew away her hat. b. she saw a snake.

c. she broke the window

)3. what will the weather be like tomorrow?

a. it will be warm and sunny. b. it will be cold and rainy.

c. it will be cold and windy.

)4. what’s the matter with jenny ?

a. i h**e a cold . b. she has a headache. c. he has a headache.

)5. can you put away your books ?

a. sure,i’ll do it later . b. sorry , i’m busy now .

c. sure , i’ll do it now .

.短文理解(10分,每空2分 )


last sunday, a typhoon came to our city. my stuffed toys away. many windowsin the typhoon.

the typhoon broke many trees too. they were on the road and made a mess . after that, people out and

the mess.


. 单词短语(共5小题,10分)


1.what will the weather be like? it will beand2. what’s the matter with you?

i h**e a3. what are you going to dowe are going to

4. whatthe windaway my hat5. will there be ayes, there will.

. 单项选择 (共10小题,20分)


) will go on vacation

a. tomorrow b. yesterday c. every day

) 2. where __we cook food? we can cook food at the __

a. do , kitchen b. will dining room c. can kitchen

) 3. please __the light. it ’.dark here.

a. turn off b. turn down c. turn on

) 4. they’re __trees over there.

a. plantb. planted c. planting

) 5. my brotherthe jacket and goes out .

a、put on b、put off c、puts on

) 6. they h**ethey should take some medicine.

a. headaches b. headache c. a headache

) 7are we going to do ittomorrow morning.

a. whereb. whenc. what

) 8. did tony __well? no, he __a fever.

a. felt has b. feel had c. fell had

) 9. there will benext monday.

a. rainyb. rainc. rains

) 10. tom and ithe day before yesterday.

a. read some books b. go on vacation c. see the doctor

iii. 阅读理解(共10小题,20分)


2015 2016学年度第二学期期末模拟试卷。五年级英语。测试时间 60分钟满分100分 听力部分 40分 一 听录音,选择正确的答案,将其编号写在前面的括号里。10分 b.b.go fishing b.go hiking subway b.picnic 二 听音,标号。每小题听两遍。每小题2分,共...


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