
发布 2020-11-10 05:29:28 阅读 6304



同学们,你们好!本次英语试题共分为两部分:听力部分(listening)和读写部分(reading and writing)。



part i listening 第一部分听力。

共五大题。i. listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的一项。)

ii. listen and draw. (判断听到的内容是否与**相符,相符的画,不相符的画。)

.listen and number.(听录音,给下列句子标上序号。)

) what about the baby monkey?

) what is she doing?

) it’s eating bananas.

) i see the mother monkey.

) she’s climbing.

. listen and choose the correct response. (听录音,选择正确的答语。)

v. listen and fill in blanks.(听录音,补全句子,将代号填在横线上。)

today is sunday, so i go to the zoo with my parents. there are many animals in the zoo. look!

two lions are (a. running /b. walking)and two rabbits are jumping.

a bird is (a. flying /b. singing)in the sky.

a cute monkey is

a. climbing / b. swinging).

a tiger is (a. sleeping / b. swimming).

i like pandas very much. they are (a .fighting/b.


part ii reading and writing 第二部分读写。

共六大题。vi. read and tick or cross.(判断画线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”不同的打“×”

vii. choose the correct answer. (选择正确的答案。)

viii. read and write.(读一读,根据首字母写单词。)

1. chen jie is cbutterflies in the woods.

2. look! the tiger is r

3. i like fbest. because it’s always sunny and cool

4. uncle jack’s birthday is in m

5. i am ra book in the study.

6. my mother is wan e-mail in the study.

ix. read and choose. (阅读短文, 选择合适的答案。)

a: hello.

b: hia: hi, john

b: i’m playing chess.

a: is your brother playing chess, too?

ba: what is he doing?

ba: really

b: what do ants like to eat?

a: that’s interesting. do you want to go to the nature park?

b: sure

a: at 1:30.

b: ok, see you later!

a: see you!

x. read and choose. (阅读短文, 选择合适的答案。)

i’m mike. i like summer best. because my birthday is in june.

now, i’m visiting the park. we are very happy. the sky is blue, the air is fresh.

and there are many flowers and trees. we can run on the grass and catch fish in the river. look!

john and zhang peng are playing chess under the tree. amy is catching butterflies. the butterflies are very beautiful.

where is sarah? she’s in the woods. she’s picking up le**es.

she likes collecting le**es. i’m doing an experiment. oh, what a beautiful park!

we all like the park.

season does mike like best?

a. summerb. springc. fall

2. can they run on the grass?

a. yes, they can. b. no, they can’tc. yes, i can.


精选公文范文。五年级英语第二学。期期末试卷分析。各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您 谢谢。五年级英语第二学期期末试卷分析。一 基本情况。此次测试参考人数 286人,平均分约73,最高分 96分,最低分 22分,优秀率 及格率 总体看较之上学期有了下滑的迹象。一 试卷整体情况分析。本次试题分...


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