五年级英语单元测试题 四

发布 2020-11-08 18:28:28 阅读 6132


unit 6—期末)



)1. a. swimming b. climbing c. drinking

)2. a. walkingb. fighting c. sleeping

)3. a. marchb. aprilc. june

)4. a. plant trees b. make a snowman c. fly kites

)5. a. writing a letter b. listening to music lunch








)1. a. yes, i amb. yes, it is.

)2. a. no, she isn’tb. yes, he is.

)3. a. he’s eating lunch. b. she is eating lunch.

)4. a. they’re taking pictures. b. we’re taking pictures.

)5. a. yes, it isb. yes, they can.


)1. i’m a hen.

)2. my father is picking up le**es.

)3. my mother is counting insects.

)4. i’m playing chess with my grandfather

)5. we h**e a nice field trip.


1. nina’s mother is cooking __in the kitchen.

2. uncle larry is __a book.

3. are the pandas __trees?

4. are they __the honey?

5. the monkeys are __


)1. a. swim b. small c. swing d. run

)2. a. sea b. spring c. summer d. fall

)3. a. morning b. noon c. sun d. evening

)4. a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner d. orange

)5. a. kangaroo b. ant c. butterfly d. climb


1.做实验2. write a letter

3.举行野餐4. draw pictures

5.采摘树叶6. hold on

7.喝水8. watch insects

9.接**1 0. catch butterflies


) 1. —do you like sweet food?

a. yes, she does. b. yes, i doc. yes, i am.

) 2. —are you flying kites?

a. yes, she does. b. yes, i doc. yes, i am.

) 3. what __john doing?

a. isb. amc. are

) 4. is hea report?

a. writeingb. writec. writing

) 5. chen jie is catching butterflies, amy is catching butterflies, _

a. toob. yesc. not

) 6. —where are they?

a. yes, they are. b. they are in the woods.

c. they’re picking up le**es.

( )7. it’s time __go to school.

a. tob. forc. on

( )8.—are you eating lunch?

a. yes, you areb. yes, i canc. no, we aren’t.

( )9.— mom, there’s a call for you

a. thank you b. yes, i canc. no, i’m not

( )10. —is she counting insects?

a. no, he isn’tb. no, she isc. no, she isn’t.


1. my father is写)an e-mail.

2. i often read books in the书房).

3. the boy likes watching昆虫)under a big tree.

4. can i speak to爷爷)?

5. is chen jie __收集)le**es?








) are you doinga. just fine.

) everybody doingb. i am talking to you.

) they reading a bookc. sure.

) i speak to your motherd. he’s playing chess.

) is john doinge. yes, they are.


(in a nature park)

policeman: hello, little kid. why are you crying(哭)?

kid: i can’t find (找到)my dad and mom.

policeman: don’t worry. let me help you.

kid: where are they?

policeman: i think they are in the woods.

kid: are they picking up le**es?

policeman: no, they aren’t.

kid: are they taking pictures?

policeman: no, they aren’t.

kid: what are they doing?

policeman: let’s go and see.

kid: ok.

policeman: look, they are waiting for(等待) you.

kid: oh, yes, they are my father and mother. thank you.

policeman: you’re welcome.

) 1. the kid is

a. in the zoo b. in the nature parkc. in the shop

) 2. why is the kid crying

a. he can’t go to school. b.

he can’t eat dinner c. he can’t find his mother and father.


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