
发布 2020-11-06 08:19:28 阅读 2276

unit 1 we love nature

lesson1 planting trees


1. look at=h**e a look. look at the picture.

2. 询问季节用what season is it now? 回答用it’s spring.

四个季节:spring.春天 summer夏天 autumn,fall秋天,winter冬天。

3. 想要知道别人将要去做什么可以这样问:what are you going to do?

答句用:we are going to plant trees. 想要知道别人正在做什么可以这样问:

what are you doing?答句:we are planting trees.

4. do you know how to plant trees?是一个一般疑问句,肯定回答,yes,i do ,否定回答,no,i don’t。



dig(digging) a hole put(putting) a tree in the hole


put the earth back .stamp the earthwater it well


watch tv sing h**e(h**ing) a picnic play ping-pong


sweep the floor do some washing clean the windows make the bed


put away the clothes. wash vegetables swim(swimming)


flyjumpdance(dancing) count


run(running) read write(writing) draw


look看 listen听 sit坐 stand站起来。


1. (b. swim

2a. picnic c. play

3a. vegetables b. clean c. windows

b. singing c. swimming

5a. at


1. (你想知道乐乐正在做什么 ,你可以怎么问:

a. what is he doing? is he going to do?

2. (你想知道现在是什么季节,你可以怎样问:

a. what colour is it? season is it?

3. (植树的第二步是什么:

a. put a tree in the hole. the earth back

4. (你想知道peter周末将要做什么,他会怎样回答你:

is he going to do? is going to play ping-pong.

5.( 朋友建议你和他一起去玩,你会说:

you! great,let’s go.


1.( look___the picture. b. in

2what season is it now?

summer red. a dog.

3what are you going to do?

we are going to __

our homework kites c. h**ing a picnic.

4what is she going to do?

she is going to __

a. clean the house b. sweeping the floor c. ****** the bed

5.( do you know___to plant trees? c,how

6do you like playing football?

i do. do. she doesn’t.

7do you like it?

because it’s very interesting.

8what’s your f**ourite___

---english. c. subject

9what day is today?

tuesday. sunny.

10is she from?

---she is from china.

11book is it?


12. -what___is it?

---it is

13. -what is she doing?

---she is___

14. she is going to __the floor.

15. we are___a picnic. c,h**eing

16. look at the picture and __how to plant trees.

a. learn

17. they often __ping-pong on sundays.

18. mary is___tv.

19. we are gong to___kites.

20. he can___away the clothes. b,puts



jack: hello, this is jack!

zhang peng: this is zhang peng.can i speak to john? ?

jack: i am sorry. he is busy now. please hold on.

zhang peng:what is john doing? ?

jack : he is writing an e-mail. he is coming.

zhang peng: hi, john! when will you go to the playground?

john: i will go to the playground at 7:00 in the morning.

zhang peng: it is do you get up?

john: i get up at 6:00.

zhang peng: shall we meet at 6:50 at school?


1. (they will meet at 7:00.

2. (zhang peng gets up at 6:00 in the morning.

3john is writing an e-mail

4. (they are ****** a phone call.


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