
发布 2020-11-04 19:26:28 阅读 7860

unit 7 a busy day 练习七。


1. from seven in the morning to ten at night 从早晨7点到夜里10点。

2. get up 起床 3. it’s half past six 6点半 4. not yet还没有。

5. are you ready for breakfast ? 你准备好吃早饭了吗?

6. brush teeth 刷牙 7. tooth(复数)teeth 8.

there’s no time for lunch 没有时间吃午饭了 9. take some bread with me 随身带些面包。

10. it’s time to h**e lunch(同义句) it’s time for lunch 该吃午饭了。

11. what time is it ? 同义句) what’s the time ? 几点了?

12. we need to clean the library我们需要去打**书馆。

13. let’s hurry 让我们快点 14. on duty 值日 15. be quick快点。

16. at a quarter past four 在四点一刻 17. i’m tired 我很累。

18. do you want to watch tv 你想要看电视吗? 19.

you’re really busy today 你今天真的很忙 20. sam goes to school on foot at eight sam在8点钟步行去学校 21. every day 每天。

22. classes begin at half past eight8点半开始上课

23. wrong(对应词)right 24. ride a bike(同义词组) by bike


1. busy(对应词2. 从南京到上海。

3. 忙碌4. 在8点半。

5. it’s timeswim) 6. it’s timelunch) .

7. 刷牙8. there’s___no/not)time for lunch

9. she can___take) some___bread)__for/with) me

10. it’s two to two (提问。

11. it’s half___to/past) ten. 12.九点一刻。

) 13. is it?it’s twenty to ten.

many time

) ready the class.

at b. doesn’t; for with; for

) 15.. it’s time lunch.


) h**e four lessons monday morning and the at in at in

) five to five. we clean the classroom.

b. want to wanting

) up, we are on today.

duty quick; cleaning

) can i take a sandwich always hungry school.. after after before before

) past eight.

at at in from

21. it’s one o’clock now.(用两种方式对划线部分提问)

is it nownow?

22. it’s time for school.(改为同义句0

23. i’m very busy today.(一般疑问句并作否定回答)

24. i do housework at ten. (对划线部分提问)

25. 没有时间吃早饭了。(中译英。

26. who __wantplay) basketball with us?

27. children’s day is___come), mum would like __buy)things for me.

28.. he is a___good) studies verygood).

29. you___be) late. don’t __be ) late again

30. it’s timeh**e) lunch. let’sgo) now.

31. i __get ) up at 6:30 every day, my sister __get ) up at 7:40.

32. who __be) on duty today? lucy and lilybe).

33. i usually __h**e) my breakfast at 7:00. but now ih**e)my breakfast.

34. the __child) near the library are from __chinese).

35. can hetouch) his toes with his fingers? no, he __

36. it’s ten to seven. (对划线部分提问。

37. jim needs to buy some storybooks. (改为一般疑问句)

38. there is no time for supper. (同义句。

39. listen! the childrensing).

40. wenot watch) tv on monday.

41. whattheydo) on saturdays?

42your parents (read) news*****s every day?

43. the girlteach) us english on sundays.

44. mikelike) cooking.

45. liu taodo) not like pe.

you __touch) your toes with your fingers?yes, i can.

47. _lift) up your left arm. _not lift) your right arm.

48. they are in the playground. they __h**e) a pe lessons now.

49you tired? (be) yes, i am.

50youfeel) tired? yes, we

mr brown is from america. he and his wife teach english in nanjing. they go to work at about half past six.

they h**e a boy and a girl. they are jack and julia. jack is a student, he goes to school by bus at seven o’clock and comes home at twenty to six.

but julia is not a student. she is only five. on sundays, sometimes they are at home, sometimes they go to the parks.

the browns like china. they h**e a lot of friends in nanjing.


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