
发布 2020-11-02 18:52:28 阅读 2530


1、fire 2、lady 3、radio 4、different 5、coming


1、come 2、 is 3、 are 4、 live 5、 talk

三、听音在相应的栏内打√或划 ×。

there weren't any buses and cars many years ago. there were only bikes. now there are many televisions, telephones and radios, many years ago , people lived in a small house, they worked in the fields, they couldn't read or write, now people h**e enough food.


1、thank you 2、was there a book? 3、what did you do yesterday?

4、who are they? 5、did she work in the fields?


lives in a big house with his family now.

doesn't h**e a computer now.

qiang was a chinese teacher ten years ago.

qiang lived in a big house when he was a boy.

often writes letters to his students with pen.


1、they are my grandchildren. 2、it’s a programme about china.

3、life was very different in china many years ago.

4、there weren’t any televisions. 5、we didn’t h**e enough food.


is very different in china.

weren’t any houses. h**e enough food.

i watched tv with my grandmother.

are lots of buses and cars.


1. great 3. start 4. draw 5. pass


1. she is a dancer2. she danced many years ago.

3. they are my grandparents. 4. he is my grandpa.

5. he is a driver6. she learnt english.

7. she danced in lots of chinese cities. 8. is this your grandma?


1. she learnt english. grandma is a teacher

is very different in china many years ago.

old lady taught chinese many years ago.

hai was in his class you dance five years ago?

he was in class one. danced in lots of cities


learns english. li is retired.

3. five years ago, he walked to school. 4. is this your grandma?


ten years ago, mr li was a teacher. he taught chinese. chen hai was in his class .

he was a good pupil. he studied very hard. now, mr li is retired.

he is learning english .chen hai is an english teacher. he is teaching mr li.


1、 /2、 /e/ 3、 /ie/ 4、 /i / 5、 /u:/

6、/ e / 7、/i:/ 8、/ai/


1、grandma 2、same 3、went 4、these 5、dance

6、white 7、apple 8、my 9、drink 10、pencil


1、what did you eat last night? 2、what did he h**e?

3、what is she doing? 4、is this a hamburger?

5、what do you drink every day?


1、i like eating sandwich very much.

2、mum bought some hamburgers yesterday.

3、mum is going to cook chinese food for lingling.

4、we'll drink milk tonight. 5、she is good at science.

6、what did she h**e for breakfast? 7 、she had eggs and sausages.


1、mum bought some sandwiches yesterday.

2、i g**e one hamburger to my dog.

3、she has eggs and sausages for breakfast.

4、what did you eat last night?

5、i ate three sandwiches last night.


1、hair 2、make 3、find 4、shelf 5、back


1、make 2、find 3、think 4、are 5、h**e


are the books?

our new coputers.

can you find out about animals?

are on shelf c. you go to the library?

will make an e-card for her mum.


yesterday mum bought a new computer for amy and lingling. amy wants to make an e-card for ad, but they aren't good at it. so they go to the library.

there they can find a book about computers. the librarian tells them the books are on shelf c. and they should bring back the book in two weeks’ time.


1、we can find a book about e-cards there.

2、can i h**e your library card, please?

3、please bring back the book in two weeks' time.

4、where are the books about computers, please?

5、you can find out about the weather in this news*****.

6、it's easy with a computer.



w 这个疯狂的公交时刻表已经让我完全糊涂了。我不知道当我的公共汽车去克利夫兰开吗?m 你为什么不去售票窗口问吗?问 男人认为女人是做什么的?w 我很喜欢电视昨晚特别的草稿。你回家的时间看到了吗?w 哦,是的,但是我希望我能一直睡的时间久去看整个事情。问 这个人是什么意思?13岁。w 请机场。我跑步有...

六年级 英语 听力原文

2017 2018学年度第一学期合肥市小学生学业评价方式改革实验。六年级学科测试英语试题。听力原稿。一 听录音,选出正确的单词。每小题1分,共5分 每小题,你将听到一个句子,每个句子读两遍,选出你所听到的单词。1.the mouse is afraid of the cat.2.slow down ...


一 听音,按听到的顺序在钟面上画出时间。每小题读两遍。12分 1.kitty gets up at seven o clock 2.kitty brushes her teeth at a quarter past seven.3.kitty and her mother h e breakfast...