
发布 2020-11-01 12:59:28 阅读 7079

module1 we lived in a small house.

she didn’t h**e a television


lady(女士,夫人) life(生活) different(不同的) ago(以前)work(工作 ) write(写) change(改变,变化) enough(足够的) night(夜晚fire(火)radio(收音机)field(田地)hope(希望)


many years ago(许多年前) live in(居住在……里) enough food(足够的食物) lots of (许多) every day (每天)cook on a fire(在炉火上做饭)in the fields(在田地里)talk about(谈论)


there weren’t many buses.没有很多公共汽车。

it’s a programme about china.它是一个关于中国的节目。

life was very different in china many years ago.


there are lots of buses and cars.有许多公共汽车和小汽车。

thank you for talking to us.谢谢您和我们谈话。

i miss china! 我想念中国!

she didn’t h**e a television or a radio.


an old lady talked about her life many years ago.


she couldn’t read or write. 她不会读也不会写。


ai,ay /ei/ rain play al,au /:walk autumn

ar/ɑ:farmer party ar/:/warm quarter



module 2 she learnt english.

mr li was a teacher.

一、 重点词汇。

learnt 学习(learn的过去式) foreign(外国的) studied 学习(study的过去式) language(语言) taught 教,讲授(teach的过去式) wrote 写(write的过去式) dancer(舞蹈演员) hard(努力地)

二、 重点短语。

foreign language(外语) learn english(学习英语) make a cake(做蛋糕)twenty years ago(二十年前)in his class(在他班里) a good pupil(一个好学生) an english teacher(一位英语老师) walk to school(步行去上学) by school bus(乘坐校车)

三、 重点句子。

did she learn any foreign language?


but he’s learning english now.


he studied very hard.


四、 自然拼读:

aw/:/draw saw air/e/ chair hair

ass/ɑ:s/class pass

五、 背诵重点:课文第二部分。

六、 语法点:一般过去时和一般现在时对比。

module 3 she had eggs and sausages.

sam ate four hamburgers.

一、 重点单词。

sandwich(三明治)traditional(传统的) breakfast(早餐) hamburger(汉堡包) lunch(午餐) g**e 给(give的过去式)dish(食品) tonight(今晚)

二、 重点短语。

an email from…(一封来自……的电子邮件)english food (英国食物) give …to…把……给…… tell a story(讲故事) at school(在学校)

chinese food(中餐)

三、 重点句子。

what did she h**e for breakfast/dinner?


today sam ate four hamburgers at school.


i’ve got an email from lingling.


we g**e our hamburgers to sam.


四、 自然拼读。

ea,ee /i:/ teacher see ea/e/ head bread

ear/i/ear hear ear/e/ bear pear ere,eir / e/ where their

五、 背诵重点:课文第二部分。

六、 语法点:过去式。

module 4 let’s make a home library.

we can find information from books and cds.

一、 重点单词。

student(学生) sent 发送,寄(send的过去式)library(图书馆) idea(主意,想法) put(安放)he**y(重的,沉的) dictionary(词典、字典) card(卡片) ask(邀请)wrong(错误的) information(信息)project(项目)film(电影)way(方式,方法)guide(介绍,指南)on(关于)

二、 重点短语。

a good idea 一个好主意 ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事 on the shelf 在架子上 get information from…从……获取信息 as well 又。

go to the library 去图书馆 in the library 在图书馆 h**e a great day 度过快乐的一天。


what are these big books?这些大的书是什么?

we can put them here.我们可以把它们放在这儿。

where are the books about sports,please?


let’s make a home library.


i want a chinese book.我想要本语文书。

where can i find it?我可以在**找到它?


ie/ai/ pie lie igh /ai/ light night ir/:/girl skirt




一、重点词汇:light轻的 pocket口袋,兜 broken坏的,破碎的 take拿走;选中,买下;花费 wheel轮子t-shirtt恤衫 too太也 try试,试图,努力 white白色;白色的 lovely可爱的,美丽的。

二、重点短语:take it to china把它带到中国 buy you a new one给你买一个新的 this black bag这个黑色的包 two pockets两个口袋 big and light又大又轻look at看 be too...for sb.

对某人来说太……make a birthday card制作生日卡。


1. it’s broken.它破了。

buy you a new one.我将给你买一个新的。 it’s got two pockets.

并且它有两个口袋。 at this blue one.看看这个蓝色的。

be easy for you to carry.对你来说会很容易携带。 take it.

我们就买它了。 nice.它很漂亮。

has got a panda on it.在它上面有一只熊猫。 you got a small one,please?

请问你有小号的吗? this white one.试试这件白色的吧。

四、自然拼读:oa //boat coat road

oy//:boy toy enioy

oo/u:/:school afternoon zoo

oo//:book good look

五、背诵重点:p26 t2 p28 t3




moon月亮 get到达 south南,南部,南方 june六月 remember记得 west西,西部,西方 july七月 best最好的 east东,东部,东方 stay停留 parent父亲,母亲,家长 north北,北部,北方 rode(ride的过去式)骑 rest休息


of course当然 in the west of china在中国西部 go there去那里 last year去年 stay with和……呆在一起 ride a horse骑马 in july在七月h**e a lovely time玩的愉快 live there住在那里 every year每年 visit her friend拜访她的朋友 go with和……一起去 h**e a rest休息一下。


you go with your parents?你和你父母一起去吗? are photos of me and my family in china.

它们是我和家人在中国的**。 in the west of china.它在中国的西部。

stayed with my grandma for a week in july.我们在七月份和我的奶奶呆了一周。 did you go for the holidays?

你假期去了**?i had a lovely time there.我在那儿玩得很高兴。


module1 we lived in a small house.she didn t h e a television 一 重点词汇 单词表和课文中的 lady 女士,夫人 life 生活 different 不同的 ago 以前 work 工作 write 写 change 改变,变化 eno...


unit speak 说讲afternoon 中午 job 工作 可数 work 不可数learn学习study 学习。重点短语 use your bike go home now ask you a question watch tv now 一 句型 i speak to i use your ...


unit1 一 单词。prince王子 mushroom 蘑菇 question 问题 hurt 受伤let让fairy 仙女 why 为什么。because 因为understand 理解pick 采摘 late 迟的 fit 合身 party 聚会 help 帮助。clothes 服装 h e ...