
发布 2020-11-01 01:09:28 阅读 6909



)1. a. house b. four c. mountain d. mouse

)2. a. cook b. book c. school d. good

)3. a. fork b. doctor c. orange d. short

)4. a. window b. brown c. yellow d. snow

)5. a. bread b. sweep c. meal d. clean

二.单选。 )1、i ama picture.

a、draw b、drawing c、drawwing

)2、——when do you watch tv?

i usually watch tv __seven o’clock.

a、in b、on c、at

)3、my grandma likesthe room.

a、clean b、cleaning c、cleans

)4、can i __to your mom ,please?

a、speaking b、speak c、speaks

)5、——what are you doing

a、i am read a book.

b、i’m doing homework. c、i’m a student.

)6、——are you writing a letter? —yes,__

a、i am. b、you are c、it is

)7、——man: hello.

—mike: hello.__mike. can i speak to john, please?

a、my name is b、this is c、i’m

)9i’m writing an e-mail.

a、are you writing an e-mail? b、what are you doing?

c、where are you?

)10、——is your dad reading a book

a、yes, she is. b、no, he isn’t. c、no he is.



a . what do you doing ? b . what are you doing ?


a . i want to speak to peter . b . can i speak to peter ?


a . it is tom speaking . b . i am tom .


a . please sit down . b . hold on , please .


a . there is a call for you . b . please answer the call .


a .how is everybody going ? b . how is everybody doing ?


a . my mother is cooking dinner . b . your mother is cooking dinner .


a . i like to go to the children’s palace . b . i want to go to the children’s palace .


1. a you there for call is

2. letter is a father writing

this mike speaking

4. to can speak i lulu

5. eating sister big a my is cake

6. in i studying am study

7. children’s i to to the want center

to am talking i

9. everybody how doing is


1.mr. zhengread) a book now.

2. the rabbitsjump) now.

3. look ! tom and johnswim).

4. my brothermake) a kite in his room now.

5. look! the busstop).

6. weh**e) an english class now.

7. listen! someone iscome).

8. theycatch) butterflies now.

9. hedo) an experiment now.

10. theycollect) stamps now.

11. look! hedive) now.

12. tomwatch ) tv in the dining room.

13. come on. theyle**e ) now.

14. iteat) fish now.

15. —where is your mother?

—sheanswer) the phone.

17. the teachersrun) now.


tom: hello.

amy: hello. this is amy.

tom: hi, amy. it’s tom.

amy: what are you doing?

tom: i’m画画).what about you?

amy: i’m打**).

tom: come on, amy, what are you doing?

amy: i’m打扫房间).

tom: can i speak to your brother, teddy, please?

amy: he’s做家庭作业).please hold on.

tom: thank you.

七. 句型转换。

1. the kangaroo can swim. (改为否定句)

2. i am doing the dishes .(改为一般疑问句)

3. there are twelve oranges on the tree. (就划线部分提问)

4. the lion are fighting. (就划线部分提问)

5. is the tiger sleeping? (作肯定回答)


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