
发布 2020-10-27 12:04:28 阅读 7440


i、listen and number(听录音,标序号)





third tired angry by plane

first helpful

and choose(听录音,选应答)

1.( right. (

2.( h**e shower at 8:00.

( )h**e breakfast at 7:30.

3.( on january 1st.

( )on october 1st.

4.( naughty.

( )good at sports.

5.( go to shanghai by plane.

( )go to shanghai by train.

and judge.(听录音,作判断)


1.( i h**e many friends.

2. (this isn’t my english book.

3.( he washes his face at 7:25.

4.( the prince touches the golden fish.

5.( they are very nice and helpful.


笔试部分,read and judge( 看看,读读,作判断

i go to the great wall by taxi.

she has supper at 6:30.

where’s my sweater?

it’s under the chair.

what’s she good at ?

she’s good at singing.

when is teachers’day?it’s on september 10th.

and write(看看,读读,写写 )

1my hat (fall) into the water, i’m

生气)2we go to school

步行)。they go to school


3i do my homework in my (书房)

4women’s day( 妇女节 ) is on

起床)at 6:25.

he穿衣服)at 6:45.

elephant ishe**y )

ant issmall)than

the snake.

shark is(鲨鱼。

big )

day is

day is in

fool’s day is on april

and choose.读一读做选择。读一读下面各小题,选择符合题意的正确答案,在括号内打对号。


good at maths.一句中“good at”意思是什么?( a.喜欢 ( b.擅长。

3.当我们把借别人的东西还给他时,通常会说什么? (you are.

( )welcome.


)a.前者 ( b.后者,read and write.看一看,读一读,写出汉语意思。

handsome prince is sailing on the sea.

prince touches the golden fish.

not good at sports.

to me.

is good at dancing.

not sure.

think it’s in april.

year’s day is coming.

buy him a tie.

can buy it at the clothes shop.

it’s on the second floor.

is a letter from mary’s penfriend,jack.

12. i h**e many friends.

very nice and helpful.

buy her some flowers.

fish is turning into a pretty princess.

are happy now.

he sees a golden fish.

hat falls into the water.

goes home at 11:50.

gets up at 7:20.

does her homework at 4:35.

goes to bed at 9:00.

has a shower at 8:30.

good at dancing.

washes his face at 7:20.


shorthe**y- -

biglight- -


smallslow- -

fast- -


second = third= fourth=

first= fifth= seventh=

ninth= tenth= sixth=



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