PEP五年级下册期末测试题 原创

发布 2020-10-27 09:46:28 阅读 3209



. read and write. 读一读,把与所给单词划线部分发音相同的单词抄写在对应的横线上。(7分)

. look and write. 看图写短语,补全小短文。(10分)

what are we doing? look! i’m

my mom ismy brother is

my sister is

my father ison the computer.

. read and choose. 选择最佳答案完成句子,只填字母标号即可。(20分)

) 1. mid-autumn day is in

a. springb. summer c. fall

) 2. winter is cold for .

a. meb. myc. mine

) 3. i usually go to school 7:30 in the morning.

a. onb. atc. in

) 4. let’s go .

a. hikeb. hikingc. to hiking

) 5. do you see monkeys?

a. anyb. somec. a

) 6. tigers swim.

a. canb. can’tc. are

) 7. there’s a callyou.

a. tob. inc. for

) 8. i often go on the weekend.

a. shopb. shopping c. shops

) 9. pandas are good .

a. climbers b. climber c. climbing

) 10. march is the month in a year.

a. firstb. secondc. third

. read and choose. 判断下列句子与**是“√”否“×”相符。(15分)

1the monkeys are swinging. (

2the giraffes are drinking. (

3the tigers are running. (

4they are playing chess. (

5he is picking up the le**es. (

. read and order. 请用阿拉伯数字为下列句子重新排序,使之成为一段通顺的短文。(10分)

) it’s a sunny day.

) the students are h**ing a good time.

) they are going on a field trip.

) he feels happy!

) look! mike is drawing pictures of the ants.

. read and choose. 请选择合适的句子完成对话,注意书写规则。(10分)

wu: hey

john: come and h**e a look!

wujohn: no, we aren’t. we are doing an experiment.

wujohn: what do ants like to eat?

wu: that’s interesting.

chen: come and h**e a look at the ants.

wujohn: no, they aren’t. they don’t like it.

wu: are they eating the honey?

johnthey like sweet food.

wu: i like sweet things, too. do an experiment on me, please.

. read and judge. 阅读理解,判断正“t”误“f”。(10分)

teacher: it’s time to go. where is john? is he catching butterflies?

wu: yes, he is.

teacher: tell him we’re le**ing. where is amy? is she writing a report?

wu: no, she isn’t.

teacher: is she counting insects?

wu: no, she isn’t.

teacher: what is she doing? tell me, please.

wu: she’s running to us! look! she’s over there.

teacher: where is zhang peng?

wu: he’s in the wood.

teacher: what is he doing? is he taking pictures?

wu: yes, he is.

teacher: ok! all of you come here. we’re le**ing now!

wu: be quick!

1. john is catching butterflies. (

2. amy is writing a report. (

3. amy is counting insects. (

4. zhang peng is in the wood. (

5. zhang peng is taking pictures. (

. look, read and fill in the blanks. 看图写词,补全对话。(10分)

amy: i love pandas. what is the mother panda doing?

john: she’s

amy: can pandas

john: yes, theythey swim well.

amy: oh, this little panda is

the bamboo.

john: yes, she’s so cute!

amy: does shethe bamboo?

john: yes. she likes to eat the bamboo very much.

. composition. 从所给文章中选出好词好句,用所给题目仿写一段话。(5分)

题目:the animals in the zoo

要求:1. 不少于四句话,动物词汇提示:birds; pandas; rabbits; bears等。

2. 书写规范,语句通顺,没有语法错误,标点符号准确。


a.cold your birthday in march no is s c.october 3is the twelfth month of the year le es.up b.pick up picking up 5.what is ...

新版PEP四年级下册期末测试题 原创

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