
发布 2020-10-18 17:44:28 阅读 5301




s d/ /b dtai

angry sad tired surprise bored



chessa football game




)1. today we won a basketball game . now i feel __

a. sadb. happyc. hungry

)2.—what’s the matter

a. nothing b. no problem c. no matter

)3.—what time do you get up

a. at six b. in five c. on six

)4. i fell __the bed . i feel angry .

a. fromb. offc. to

)5. he’s playing __cds .

a. tob. inc. \

)6.—what’s___the box ? it’s a beautiful watch .

a. ofb. inc. to

)7. what are you thinking

a. aboutb. inc. on

)8. are youbored ?

a. feelb. feeling c. feels


1. today i helped my uncle on

the farm . now i feel tired .

2. i can smell some nice noodle soup .

i feel hungry .

3. you are eating an apple . you are happy.

going to make my father a surprise

cake on his birthday .


例:he is feeling sorry .

is he feeling sorry ?

1. i am feeling angry2. they were feeling happy .

3. she was feeling surprised .

例:i helped my mother .

did you help your mother ?

4. i won a chess game5. i lost my bag .



a. you want tea . b. what would you like ? c. hello !

)2. 当服务员想知道顾客是否需要买东西时,应说:

a. can i help you ? b. hello ! c. thank you .


a. how many are there ? b. how much is it ?

c. it’s ten yuan .


a. do you listen to music ? b. do you like singing?

c. do you like music ?


a. i feel sad . b. i feel tired . c. i feel angry.


a. skipping b. morning exercises c. at 3 o’clock

d. neare. what time

1do you get up ?

2. i h**e music

3. let’s take myrope .

4. our house is verythe school .

5. they don’t dohere .


)1. vicky has got milk and fish . now she feels happy.

)2. time for lunch . there is fish . tom is happy , but alice

is sad .

)3. mark is hungry . he wants to eat rice .

)4. kathy is bored because she is eating noodles .

)5. vicky and kathy don’t like milk .


二、 三、1.感到无聊的 2.下象棋 3.一整天 4.赢得一场足球赛。

out to play my grandfather

present just for you some

四、b a a b c b a b

五、1—b 2—c 3—d 4—a

六1、are you feeling angry ?

2、were they feeling happy ?

3、was she feeling surprised ?

4、did you win a chess game ?

5、did you lose your bag ?

七、b a b c b

八、e c a d b九。


2008 2009学年度小学英语五年级第三单元。一 找出画线部分读音与众不同的一项,把序号写在括号内。15分 每题1分 1 a hear b dear c near d bear 2.a beer b deer c wear d near 3.a march b warm c farm d park...


第5单元测试题。卷面 3分 我能做到书写端正,卷面整洁 时间 40分钟满分 100分 知识技能 79分 一 填一填。9分 1.物体旋转的三个要素是和 2.平移和旋转都不改变物体的 和 3.下面的现象中哪些是 平移 现象,哪些是 旋转 现象?1 在开车时,方向盘的运动是 现象。2 滑轮的升降运动是 现...


1 我会拼,我会写。y n w q ng xi c y n b l ji xi ng y n w l t w i q l ng ch o ch n sh li 年笑嘴 讲 热 tng xi sh o zhn xing h zh 拔 子 等一 灯 受 涂 量。sh yn gu m d ng ku xi...