
发布 2020-10-12 11:28:28 阅读 2552

what would you like? 同步试题。


.listen and find the different one. 听一听,选出画线部分发音不同的一项。(10分)

)1.a.window b.now c.yellow

)2.a.ruler b.nut c.must

)3.a.gas b.hat c.face

)4.a.how b.tomorrow c.snow

)5.a.meat b.bread c.tea

.listen and number. 听一听,给**排序。(10分)

. listen and fill in the blanks. 听一听,补全对话。(10分)

a: what __you h**e for lunch today?

b: we __beef and onions.

a: that sounds good. what __you like for dinner?

b: i’d __some green beans and tofu. i’m hungry.

a: kitty is __too.

.listen and find the right one. 根据句意选出画线部分的正确译文。(10分)

) 1.a.该吃午饭了。 b.你想买些什么?

) 2.a.打扰一下。 b.太甜了。

) 3.a.上来。 b.加油。

) 4.a.我渴了,我想喝点水。 b.我渴了,我想喝点果汁。

) 5.a.我喜欢吃蔬菜。 b.除了萝卜,其他蔬菜我都爱吃。


. choose the best one. 单项选择。(20分)

)1.__do you h**e for lunch on mondays?

a.where b.what c.when

)2.i’d like some __and some __

a.tomato , green beans b.tomato, green bean c.tomatoes, green beans

)3.my __food is mutton.

a.f**orite b.want c.like

)4.i like apples. _are sweet.

a.it b.they c.he

)5.i like fruit. _i don’t like peaches.

a.but b.and c.for

)6.on the mid- autumn day(中秋节). we usually eat __

a.zongzi b.sweet dumplings c.moon cakes

)7.-what’s your f**ourite __noodles.

a.colour b.sport c.food

)8.-what would you like? -i __some bread and coffee.

a.h**e b.like c.would like

)9.bananas __delicious.

a.are b.is c.am

)10.i like __they're fresh and healthy.

a.apples b.chicken c.juice.

. fill in the blanks. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)

1.there __be) some bananas on the plate.

2.i likesandwich) very much.

3.she has two __box) in her bag.

4.-what would you like? -i’d like some __potato) and beef.

5.i like noodles. they __be) delicious.

. read and choose. 读一读,选一选。(20分)

a)today is saturday, it’s very hot. i eat some ice-cream. my f**ourite food is ice cream.

it’s very sweet. at noon, my parents and i h**e lunch in a restaurant .we h**e some dish, beef and vegetables.

they are very delicious. then we visit my grandparents .we h**e a big dinner together.

we watch tv after dinner.

)1.today isa.sunday b.hot c.cold

)2.we h**e luncha.in a restaurant b.at school c.at home

)3.i like __best. a.rice b.noodles c.ice cream

)4.the food in the restaurant isa.well b.very nice c.good

)5.how many people h**e dinner togethera.4 b.5 c.3

b)i h**e a good pen pal. his name is ted. he is a clever boy, but he eats too 1 and doesn’t like playing sports.

he has a big 2 every morning. he has four eggs, lots of bread and butter(黄油) and a big glass of milk for it. 3 lunch, he eats two hamburgers, a lot of french fries and chicken.

he drinks a lot of soda(苏打汽水), too. for dinner, he likes beef and salad.

he often eats hamburgers, eggs, chicken and beef. he likes ice cream and soda, too. too much food is not 4 for health.

so ted is very 5 .

)1.a.many b.much c.some ( 2.a.breakfast b.lunch c.dinner

)3.a.for b.on c.in4.a.bad b.good c.important

)5.a.healthy b.fat c.thin

听力材料。.listen and find the different one.听一听,选出画线部分发音不同的一项。(10分)

1.now 2.ruler 3.face 4.how 5.bread

.listen and number. 听一听,给**排序。(10分)

1.i love ice cream. it is sweet.

2.sarah is picking tomatoes. they are fresh.

3.-what would you like?

i’d like a sandwich, two hamburgers and a cup of coffee.

4.-what would you like to drink?

a cup of tea, please.

5.-look, it’s today’s menu. what’s your f**ourite food?

beef noodles. i love beef noodles. it is delicious.

. listen and fill in the blanks. 听一听,补全对话。(10分)

a: what do you h**e for lunch today?

b: we h**e beef and onions.

a: that sounds good. what would you like for dinner?

b: i’d like some green beans and tofu. i’m hungry.

a: kitty is hungry too.

.listen and find the right one.根据句意选出画线部分的正确译文。(10分)

1.it’s time for lunch.

2.it’s too sweet.

3.come on.

4.i’m thirsty. i’d like some water.

5.i like vegetables but not carrots.

. listen and match the right one. 听一听,选一选。(10分)

1.a: what would you like for dinner?

b: i’d like some bread.

2.a: what’s your f**ourite food?

b: beef.

3.a: what do you h**e for breakfast today?

b: i h**e rice and eggs.

4.a: what would you like to drink?


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