
发布 2020-09-30 03:50:28 阅读 2692



sweater( )shorts( )pants( )shoes( )socks( )jeans( )neighbour( )these( )dinner( )breakfast( )

a.邻居 b.长裤 c.毛衣 d.袜子 e.牛仔裤

f.早饭 g.鞋子 h.这些 i.晚饭 j.短裤。

二、 请写出所给汉语的正确英文。(10′)





)1fold your dressa脱下你的夹克衫。

)2put away your sweater. b洗洗你的衬衫。

)3hang up your skirtc放好你的毛衣。

)4take off your jacket. d挂起你的裙子。

)5wash your shirte叠好你的连衣裙。


)1please pass __my shirt. a、me b、i c、my

)2wheremy pantsa、am b、is c、are

)3what colour is itwhite a、its b、it’s c、it’s

are your baby pants. a、these b、these c、this

)5is this your sweater? noa、it’s b、it’s not c、its not

)6i like the brown shirt __blue jeans. a、but b、soc、with

)7it’s your babya、brothers b、brothers’ c、brother’s

)8look __the green t-shirt. a、for b、toc、at

)9it’s 12 __nowa、clock b、o’clock c、oclock

)10、whose is thisa、shoes b、skirt c、shorts

五、fill in the blanks.用am,is,are填空(10分)

1.this___my new sweater.

2these your uncle’s shoes?

3.your pants___on the bed.

4.-are you lucy’s sister? -yes,i___

5this your shirt?-no,it’s my brother’s.

六、finish the sentences.按要求完成句子。(10分)

1.the dress is blue.(就划线部分提问)

is the dress?

2.is this your skirt?(作否定回答)

3.these are your baby pants.(就划线部分提问)

are these?

4.those are mike’s jeans.(就划线部分提问)

jeans are those?

5.it’s seven o’clock.(就划线部分提问)

is it?

七、连词成句。( 15分)

1、the , blue , i , like , dress (

2、this , your , is , t-shirt (

3、socks , are , where , my (

4、is , the , colour , what , skirt (

5、 my , is , jacket , yellow (


mike is a careless boy . look ,his sweater is on the bed , his socks are under the bed , his white shirt is in the gym , his chinese books are in the canteen . it’s nine o’clock in the morning .

he isn’t ready for english class .

)1、mike is a lovely boy.

)2、his sweater is on the bed.

)3、his english books are in the canteen.

)4、his green shirt is in the gym.

)5、mike isn’t ready for his chinese class.


一 直接写得数。二 填空。1 用字母表示运算定律。1 用字母a b c表示加法结合律 2 用字母a b表示乘法交换律 3 用字母a b c表示乘法分配律 2 一个数加上或减去 结果仍是原数。一个数乘或除以 结果仍是原数。a 8 a 6 8 a,这里应用了 律。三 把下面的式子补充完整,里填运算符号,...


一 看拼音写词语。p i x n y ng y ng zh n ch z yu n ku ng c ng z h o m u d b ng zh ji ch b ng m w i j h n p c n k j j ng di o ch g n b ng sh y l j shu k ng ti n...


四年级语文下册第三单元训练卷 一 看拼音写词语。6分 g ng j ng tu ji n j ng y sh n zh ng j ju z i xi ng w i f n ji t zh li n n j n j ji n n w i m o l 二 填字成词。4 2 6分 群雄 争青翠 滴尽瘁 独...