
发布 2020-09-30 00:15:28 阅读 1416





where is my jacket?a. aren’t.

()2. who’s your math teacher?b.

they are sheep.()they horses?c.

yes,you can.()4. what are these?

d. no,it’s expensive.()5.

what’s your mother?e.. twenty yuan.

()6. is it cheap? fruits.

()7. what’s the weather like?g.

john.()8. how much are the ducks?

h. a teacher.()9.

what would you like? i wear my shirt today?j.

on the desk.三、火眼金睛:读一读,排排序(共10颗)。

(thank you.

) your school is beautiful!

) yes, this way please. this is our garden.()welcome to our school!

) look! this is the teacher’s office. that is my classroom.





五、能力提升:阅读短文判断正误“t””f” (共10颗)。mary’s day

i get up at 6:30. i h**e breakfast at 7:

00. then i go to school. i get toschool at 7:

40. i begin my classes at 8:30.

i h**e four classes in the morningand two in the afternoon. i h**e lunch in the canteen at 11:30.

i go home after school, i play football on the playground. so i get home atabout 5:00 in the evening.

i read books and go to bed at 9:00.()goes to school at 7:

30.()has lunch at school.()goes home at 3:

30.) often reads books in the morning.()goes to bed at 9:30.

小学四年级英语下册 期末总复习练习题

期末总复习练习题需要涵盖学期头尾的所有知识点,也需要跟一直教学以来的各单元测试卷一样,做好知识点逐个击破并综合检查一学期的知识点掌握程度,才是完成和讲解期末总复习练习题的最终目的。下面的题目你都会了吗?卓越教育老师为大家整理了相关资料,以供参考。一 单词记忆 根据提示,写出下列单词 共10颗 计算机...


课后练习。一 认真读题,仔细填题。1 一万一万地数,五十八万,五十九万。2 一百万一百万地数,一千七百万二千万。3 十万位的计数单位是 十亿位的计数单位是个级的计数单位是 万级的计数单位是 亿级的计数单位是用数字表示 4 在8765 4321中,8在 位,表示7在 位,表示5在 位,表示。5 一个数...


小学四年级期末总复习练习姓名 一 怎样简便就怎样算。二 解决问题。1 某车间要生产840个零件,计划12天完成,由于改进技术,实际每天多生产14个零件,完成这项生产任务实际用了多少天?2 某化肥厂生产化肥1000吨,运出28次后,还余下104吨,平均每次运出多少吨?3 买一双皮鞋255元,相当于17...