
发布 2020-09-29 19:14:28 阅读 4968




亲爱的同学们,大家好!经过一学期的英语学习,大家是不是对英语这门语言已产生了浓厚的兴趣呢?我猜你们的回答一定是“ yes”!那就表现一下自己吧!相信你们是最棒的!

第一部分: 悦耳动听。


) 1. a. f b. x

) 2. a. u b. v

) 3. a. uk b. hk

) 4. a. prc b. pla

) 5. a. usa b. tpr


) 1. a. b.

) 2. a. b.

) 3. a. b.

) 4. a. b.

第二部分: 胸有成竹。


1) c e (2) j l (3) s u (4) u w (5) k m




) driver b. farmer c. teacher

) chicken b. rice c. beef

) desk b. shelf c. sofa

) math b. science c. music

) door b. window c. board


) 1.--goodbye

a. let’s go b. see you tomorrow! c. i’m sorry.

) 2. -what would you like for dinner?

a. i’d like some bread. b. wow! great!

c. i’d like some noodles.

) 3. -are the keys on the desk?

they are in the door.

a. yes, they are b. no, they aren’t c. no, it is

) 4he is a doctor.

a. where is chen ming b. what is chen ming

c. who’s chen ming

) 5.--where are the children?

a. they’re in the bedroom b. they are in the living-room

c. they are in the kitchen


)(2) room

)(8) player


a栏b栏。 ) 1、what colour is it? a. they are in the door.

) 2、what’s her name? b. she’s my aunt.

) 3、let’s clean the classroom. c. it’s yellow.

) 4、are they on the table? d. yes, please.

) 5、what would you like for dinner? e. her name is sarah.

) 6、what’s your mother? f. good idea!

) 7、how many people are there in your family?g. three.

) 8、who’s that woman? h. she is a teacher.

) 9、where are the keys? i. yes, they are.

) 10、can i help you? j. i’d like some fish.

第三部分: 聪明才智


look at the picture! there is a woman in the car. she is my aunt.

she is my father’s sister. her husband(丈夫) is an english teacher. he is tall and strong.

my aunt and uncle h**e two sons and a daughter. jim and tom are twins(双胞胎). they are 12.

they like science. how old is ann? she is 9.

she likes music. they are happy together.

) 1. there are four people in my aunt’s family.

) 2. in the picture, my aunt is in the car.

) 3. my uncle is a chinese teacher.

) 4. ann is 12.

) 5. jim and tom are twins.



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