
发布 2020-09-29 18:31:28 阅读 5884


得分。一、 按顺序正确默写26个字母大小写。(26分)


3. hungry4. winner

5. twenty6. house


1. twelve 3. eleven 4. hill 5. nine 7. red

8.station 11. green 12. supermarket



)1、the boys are

)2、the man is

)3、the boy is

)4、the children are

)5、they are



a. go straight on, then turn left.

b. go straight on, then turn right.


a. daming is playing football.

b. daming is playing basketball.


a. you are welcome.

b. thank you very much.


a. what are they doing?

b. what are you doing?


a. excuse me.

b. i am sorry.


a、turn right b、 go straight on c、playing chess

d、 turn left e、 rowing a boat f、 drinking soybean milk g、train h、 swimming


)1.—what are you doing? -i’m __pictures.

a. takes b. take c. taking

)2.—_is the supermarket? -go straight on. turn left. a. where b. what c. how

)3.—h**e you got___elephant?

a. a b. an c. and

)4.—what are __doing? -they are rowing a boat.

a. he c. they

)5. look __the men under the are playing chess.

a. in b. at c. on


)1. h**e you got a liona. go straight on. turn left.

)2. excuse me, where’s the zoo? b. yes, i h**e.

)3. what are you doingc. they’re playing chess.

) is sam doingd. he’s listening to music

)5. what are they doinge. i’m writing a letter.

)6、in the parkf、听**。

)7、listening to musicg 、在公园。

)8、taking picturesh.、打太极拳。

)9、doing taijiquani.、向左转。

)10、turn leftj、照相。


hello, i’m sam. i like taking pictures and listening to music. look!

this is my mother. she is reading a book. this is my father.

he is talking to a friend. this is my brother, tom. he is playing with a toy car.

) 1. sam likes listening to music.

) 2. sam’ mother is reading a book.

) 3. sam’ brother is tom.

) 4. tom is talking to a friend.

) father is watching tv.


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