
发布 2020-09-29 11:31:28 阅读 1984



unit 1my school一,单词。

[ 'laibrri ] n.图书馆 ['pleiɡraund]n.操场 [ hmw:

k]n.作业 [ klɑ:s]n.

班;班级 ['f:t] n.四十 [wei] n.

方向 [welkm]v.欢迎二,短语。

rooma the flowers


三句子:1、where’s the teachers’ office2、it’s on the second floor3、is this the teachers’ office4、no, it isn’t. the teachers’ office is next to the library5、is that the computer roomyes, it isno,itisn`t

6、do you h**e a libraryyes, we dono,we don`t

7、here`s my homework8、welcome to our school

9—how many students are there in your classforty-five students10、this way, please


unit 2what time is it?一,单词。

'brekfst ]n.早餐;早饭 class[glkls ]n.英语课午餐;午饭 class [mju:

zikklɑ:s]n.**课 class[pi'i kls]n.

体育课 'din]n.(中午或晚上吃的)正餐___uv] adv.结束 nau ]adv.

现在;目前 n.(表示整点)……点钟 kid ]n.小孩 n.



a to to and run


and write

and fool三,句子:

1、--what time is it?2、--it’s 6 o’clock.3、it’s time toget to school.

4、it’s time class.5、time to go home, kids.6、hurry up.

7、i’ m ready.8、breakfast is ready.9、i’m late for school.

10、let`s go to the playground.


unit 3weather一,单词。

[ kuld ]adj.寒冷的;冷的 [ ku:l ] adj.

凉的;凉爽的 [ w:m ] adj.温暖的;暖和的 ht ] adj.

热的;烫的 [ sni ] adj.阳光充足的 [ windi ] adj.多风的;风大的 [ klaudi ] adj.

阴天的;多云的 [ snui ] adj.下雪(多)的 [ reini ] adj.阴雨的;多雨的 adv.

在户外 [ we]n.天气 york [nju: j:

k] n.纽约 [dgri:] n.

度;度数 n.世界 ['lndn] n.伦敦 ['msk] n.

莫斯科 [sg'p:] n.新加坡城 ['sdn] n.

悉尼 [fla] v.放(风筝等 [lv] adj.(写信结尾的热情问候语)爱你的___n.


二,短语。a cold三,句子。

1、can i go outside now?no, you can’tyes, you can.__2、it’s cold outside

3、what’s the weather like in new york4、it’s rainy

5、is it cold?yes, it isno, it isn’t6、it’s 26 degrees7、it’s warm/hot/sunny/rainy...in+地点today.

it`s warm in beijing today8、it’s cold outside. put on a hatit’s warm inside. take off your shoes9、how about/what about


10、i h**e a cold11、tomorrow will be warm in dali12、h**e some lunch, mike13、be careful! it`s very hot14、this is the weather report15、hi chen jie! this is mark16、here`s the world weather17、can you fly your kite


unit 4at the farm一,单词。

西红柿 [ptet] n.马铃薯;土豆 beans[ɡri:n bi:

ns] n.豆角;四季豆 n.胡萝卜 [h:

s] n.马 n.母牛;奶牛羊;绵羊 n.

母鸡 [i:z]pron.(this的复数形式)这些 [jm]adj.

(表示味道或气味非常好 [nml] n.兽;动物 [z]pron.(that的复数形式)那些 [gɑ:

dn]n.花园;菜园 [fɑ:m]n.

农场 [gt] n.山羊 [i:t] v.


the there



1、are these carrots?yes, they areno, they aren’t2、what are these

3、they’re tomatoes

4、what are those5、they’re horses

6、--are they hens

--no, they aren’t. they’re ducks7、look at the green beans. they are so long8、you h**e a lot of animals

9、how many horses do you h**e10、what about those词的复数形式(注意特殊变化)

tomato—tomatoespotato—potatoesonion—onionsgreen beans—green beanscarrot—carrotssheep—sheep★horse—horsescow—cowshen—hensgoat—goatsanimal—animalsthis—thesethat—those


unit 5my clothes一,单词。

[ klz ]n.衣服;服装 [ pnts ]n.裤子 [ht]n.

(常指带檐的)帽子 dres ]n.连衣裙 [ sk:tn.

女裙 [ kt ]n.外衣;大衣毛衣短袜短裤 [ dkit ]n.夹克衫 [:

t ]n.(尤指男士)衬衫你的;你们的谁的 [main]pron.我的 [ pk ]v.

收拾(行李 [ wet ]v.等待。




a party三,句子。

1、--are these yoursno, they aren’t. they’re chen jie’s2、--is this john’sno, it isn’t. it’s mike’s

3、whose coat is this? it’s mine4、whose pants are those5、they are your father’s(pants6、i like that green skirt7、can you help me8、where are my new socks

9、what colour are they10、my shoes are green


unit 6shopping一,单词。

1、glove [ glv ](分手指的)手套 skɑ:f ]围巾;披巾 [mbrel]伞;雨伞 snglɑ:sz ]太阳镜 'priti ]美观的;精致的 [k'spensv]昂贵的;花钱多的 [ ti:

p ]花钱少的;便宜的 nas ]好的 saz ]尺码;号太;过于 dst ]正好;恰好 eti ]八十。

[ dl(r) ]元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位 seil ] n**销售;大减价 [ m:(r) ]adj.更多的 ] pron.我们二,短语。



1、can i help you2、

3、yes. these shoes are nice2、

3、can i try them on4、

5、size 6, please4、they’re too small

5、how do you like this skirt

what do you think of this skirt6、it’s verypretty

7、they are just right


8、i put on my t-shirt9、—how much +be动词+物品?

it’s/they’re...yuan /dollar(s).(yuan单复数一样)—how muchis this skirt

it’s $89

how much are those shoes复数形式)—they’re 90 yuan10、it`s too expensive


四年级英语上册知识点汇总 新版pep人教版

课。件www.5yk 人教版四年级英语上册知识汇总。原则 词不离句,句不离篇。一 单词分类记忆 可利用思维导图 教室里的物品 classroom 教室。window 窗户。blackboard 黑板。light电灯。picture图画。door门。teacher s desk讲台。computer ...


四年级下册要点总结unit1myschool 一。重点句型。1.询问具体位置 where s where is 场所?在 where is可以缩写为where s,后面的名词可以是单个人,也可以是单个事物。例如 where s the book?it s on the desk.where s mi...


unit 1 单词 next to 紧邻 在 近旁 homework 作业 class 班 班级 forty 四十 way 方向。let s do go to the library.read a book.去图书馆看书 go to the teachers office.say hello.去教师...