
发布 2020-09-24 21:23:28 阅读 3100


1. nine big2. cake make3. five knife (

4. fish ice5. hat bag6. note home( )

二、根据a 栏所给的问题在b栏中找出合适的答句,把它的字母编号填在左边的括号里。

a) (b)

) 1. what colour is your new bike? a. her name is lucy.

) 2. where is your rulerb. many books and pencils.

) 3. what’s her namec. he’s my brother.

) 4. who is the boyd. it’s blue and white.

) 5. what’s in your deske. it’s in the pencil box.


) 1. a. picture b. cake c. map

) 2. a. kite b. chair c. door

) 3. a. five b. knife c. six

) 4. a. colour b. brown c. orange

) 5. a. open b. clean c. face


1、 give me a

2、this is abook.

3. the fan isthe window.

4. my uncle is tall and

5. his bag is very


) 1. 你想告诉别人你有一个新书包,你应该这么说 .

a. i h**e a new bag,you see b. look! i h**e a new schoolbag.

c. this is my schoolbag.

)2. 你想看看你同桌的某样物品时,你应该这么说 .

a. i can look your penb. i can see your pen ?

c. may i see it?

)3.小红有一支新钢笔,你想知道是什么颜色的,你应该这么说 .

a. what’s your new pencil? b. what colour is your new pencil?

c. where is your new pencil?

) 4.你想知道你的同学的书包里面有什么,你应该这么说 .

a. what colour is your new schoolbag? b.

what’s in your schoolbagc. where’s your new schoolbag?

) my book? —

h**e 3 pencils b. it’s on the desk. c. may i see it?


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