《新概念英语》第一册1 28课测试

发布 2020-09-14 23:12:28 阅读 1782


)1,this is __ole umbrella.

a a b an c / d green

---whose shirt is that? -it’s

a my b your c tim d my father’s

3givesome books,please.

a he b i c her d she

4—where are they? -they are

a books b nine c yellow din the room .

5—how do you do

a how are you ? b how old are you ? c how do you do ? d nice to meet you .

6---is this young man?--this is tom .

a who b how c what d whose

7that ice cream manvery busy.

a is b are c am d this

8___is a cup on the table .

a it b that c there d this

9---please give me the bagone ?

a what b which c where d who

10the book is __the shelf.

a on b for c at d/


1 she is a lazy girl.***复数句。

2 it’s a brown case.(划线提问is the case?

3the television is near the window.(划线提问)__the television?

4 there is a cooker in the kitchen .***复数句).there __some __in the kitchen .

5 i’m a new student .(变成疑问句。

6they are hard-working women .(否定句。

7 she is a busy housewife.(疑问句。

8 it’s his tie.(划线提问tie __it?

9she’s very well .(划线提问。

10these are black cats.***单数句。


can __1__see the cat in the picture? _2__my cat. its name is __3__ mother gives__4__it on my birthday.

what colour is it ?it’s __5__.she has a good friend .

her __6__is kitty .she is __7__.kitty looks like a tiger .

they__8__me very much .and i like__9__,too. they always pull my things here and there.

)1 a yourb youc yours

)2. a itsb it’sc it

)3 a mimib a mimic a the mimi

)4 a myb ic me

)5 a whiteb whitec which

)6 a friend of name b friend’s name’s c friend’s name

)7 a blackb a blackc black colour

8、铁生锈的原因是什么?人们怎样防止铁生锈?( 8 a likeb look likec like at

)9 a theyb themc theirs


2 这些孩子累了。

2、如果我们想要设计一个合理、清洁的垃圾填埋场,我们首先应考虑要解决的问题有哪些呢?3 那儿有一个卖冰激凌的人。



6 请给我一个冰激凌。




this is no.2 middle school .my friends, wei hua is in the school .

she is fifteen. she is in class three. grade two.

wei hua has two good friends . they are kate and lily. kate is from england.

she is fifteen too. but she is in no.3 middle school.

she is in class one. grade two. lily is an american girl.

she is fifteen, too . she is in no.2 middle school too.

she is in class two ,grade two. lily’s chinese teacher is miss yang .lily likes chinese very much.

she can speak chinese very well.

第三单元宇宙( )1 kate is __girl

预计未来20年,全球人均供水量还将减少1/3。a an america b an english c a chinese

7、食盐、白糖、碱面、味精的颗粒都是有规则几何外形的固体,人们把这样的固体物质叫做晶体。自然界中的大部分固体物质都是晶体或由晶体组成。( 2 wei hua is in __middle cchool.

第四单元环境和我们 a no.1 bno.2 c no.3

)3 kate is in __middle school.

4、“我迈出了一小步,但人类迈出了一大步。”这句话是阿姆斯特朗说的。a no.3bno.2c no.1

答:优点:占地小,避免了垃圾污染地下水,产生的热量还可以用来发电。( 4 lily comes from___

a the usa b england cjapan

) 5 kate ,wei hua and lily are all in grade___

a one b three c two


新概念英语测试 lesson thirty one lesson forty 姓名分数。注意 1.本试卷共十个大题,满分100分。2.考试时间 90分钟。一 听力部分 20分 1.选出你所听到的单词,短语或句子 将正确答案的序号填入提前的括号内。1 a.dayb.playc.may 2 a.catb...


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ready a.准备好的,完好的。dinner n.正餐,晚餐。restaurant n.饭馆,餐馆。roast a.烤的。breakfast n.早饭。haircut n.理发。party n.聚会。holiday n.假日。mess n.杂乱,凌乱。pack v.包装,打包,装箱。suitcas...