
发布 2020-09-14 23:11:28 阅读 4227







lesson1: excuse me!

excuse me!

yes? is this your handbag? pardon? [pɑ:dn] int.对不起,请再说一遍 vt./ n.饶恕,赦免。

is this your handbag?

yes, it is. thank you very much.

lesson 3:sorry sir.

my coat and my umbrella please. 请拿---

here is my ticket. thank you sir.

number five

here is your umbrella and your coat.

this is not my umbrella.

sorry sir.

is this your umbrella

no, it isn't.

is this it

yes, it is. thank you very much.

lesson 5: nice to meet you.

good morning.

good morning, mr. blakeblake[bleik] n. 布莱克(姓氏, 英国作家)

this is miss sophie dupontsophie ['sufi] n. 索菲(女子名。

sophie is a new student. she is a french.

sophie, this is hanshans [hns] n. 汉斯(人名)

he is germangerman[d:mn] n.& a.德国的;德语的。

nice to meet you.

and this is naoko. she’s japanese. naoko[nei ou k] n.直子,奈绪子(日本人名)

nice to meet you.

and this is chang-woo. he’s korean. [k'rin] n.韩国人, 韩语 adj.韩国人的, 韩语的。

nice to meet you.

and this is lu ming. he’s chinese.

nice to meet you.

and this is xiao hui. she’s chinese, too.

nice to meet you.

lesson 7: are you a teacher?

i’m a new student. my name’s robert. robert['rbt] n. 罗伯特(男名)

nice to meet you.

my name’s sophie. are you french?

yes, i’m. are you french, too? no, i’m not.

what nationality are younationality[nnlti] n.国籍,民族。

i’m italianitalian[itlin] a.意大利 n.意大利人。

are you a teacher? no, i’m not.

what’s your job?

i’m a keyboard operator. keyboard['ki:b:d] n. 键盘 v. 用键盘输入。

operator['preit] n.操作员, 技工, 管理者, 报务员。

what’s your job?

i’m an engineer. engineer[endini] n.工程师,火车司机 vt.操纵;设计,建造。

lesson 9: how are you today?

hello, helen.

hi, steven.

how are you today?

i’m very well, thank you. and you?

i’m fine, thanks.

how is tony? [tuni] n. 托尼(男子名, antony的昵称) adj. 时尚的, 高贵的, 漂亮的。

he’s fine, thanks.

how’s emmaemma['em] n.爱玛(女子名)

she’s very well, too, helen.

goodbye, helen.

nice to see you.

nice to see you, too, steven.


lesson 11: is this your shirt?

whose shirt is that? is this your shirt, d**e? [deiv] n. 戴夫(男子米, d**id 的昵称)

no, sir.

it’s not my shirt. this is my shirt. my shirts blue.

is this shirt tim’s?

perhaps it is, sir. tim’s shirts white. perhaps[phps] ad.或许,大概,可能。

tim! yes, sir.

is this your shirt?

yes, sir.

here you are. catch.

thank you, sir.

lesson 13: a new dress

what color is your new dress? colour 英。

it is green.

come upstairs and see it. upstairs[pstz] ad.在楼上,往楼上 a.楼上的 n.楼上。

thank youstair[ste] n.[ pl.]楼梯;(楼梯的)梯级。

look! here it is! that’s a nice dress.

it’s very smartsmart[smɑ:t] a.漂亮的;聪明的;厉害的,剧烈的。

my hat’s new, too.

what color is it?

it’s the same color.

it’s green, too.

that’s a lovely hat.

lesson 15: your passport, please. passport['pɑ:sp:t]b n.护照, 手段。

are you swedishswedish[swi:di] a.瑞典人 n.瑞典语。

no, we are not.

we are danishdanish[deini] a.& n.丹麦人(语)(的)

are your friends danish, too?

no, they aren’t.

they are norwegiannorwegian[n:wi:dn] a.& n.挪威人(语)(的)

your passport, please.

here they are.

are there your casescase[keis] n.事例;情况;病例;案件;盒;手提箱。

no, they aren’t. our cases are brown. here they are.

are you touriststourist['turist] n.旅游者, 二等舱

yes, we areadj.观光的, 乘坐二等舱的。

are your friends tourists too?

yes, they are.

that’s fine.

thank you very much.

lesson 17: how do you do

come and meet our employees, mr. richards. employee[impli-i:]n.受雇者,雇员。

thank you, mr. jacksonjackson['dksn] n. 杰克森(姓氏, 男子名,this is nicola grey, and this is claire taylor.

claire[kl] n. 克莱尔(女子名) =clara

how do you dotaylor['teil] n. 泰勒(美国密歇根州东南部一城市)

those women are very hard-workingn. 泰勒(姓氏)

what are their jobs?

they’re keyboard operators.

this is michael baker, and this is jeremy short. michael['maikl] n. 迈克尔(男子名)


词汇 1.colour 颜色 color 美 what colour is are what make is 什么车牌?that s a nice dress.it s very smart.多好看的裙子。真漂亮。the colour is too loud.这个颜色太艳了。2.green 1 绿色...


ready a.准备好的,完好的。dinner n.正餐,晚餐。restaurant n.饭馆,餐馆。roast a.烤的。breakfast n.早饭。haircut n.理发。party n.聚会。holiday n.假日。mess n.杂乱,凌乱。pack v.包装,打包,装箱。suitcas...


lesson 51 a pleasant climate 听录音,然后回答问题。does it ever snow in greece?希腊下过雪吗?hans where do you come from?dimitri i come from greece.hans what s the clim...