六年级上学期英语期末知识点总结 完成

发布 2020-08-25 20:30:28 阅读 1863

unit 1

短语词组:grow up, be born

重难点知识: 用was/were来描述人物不同成长阶段的外貌特征或者特点。

例句1:i was fat last year and i am thin now.

例句2:she was 2 years old last year and she is 3 years now.

例句3:she was small and cute.


unit 2

短语词组:in the countryside, h**e a good time, pick apples.


1. 学习用how was your summer holiday? 来询问同学的暑假生活,用it was fun/great/wonderful等来回答。

2. 学会用动词的一般过去时来描述过去做过的事情, 了解动词的不规则变化和规则变化。 例句如下:

例句1: i did my homework last night.

例句2: i visited the great wall last summer holiday.

例句3: i went to beijing with my parents.

语法: 动词的一般过去时。

unit 3

重点单词: hamburger, yesterday, vegetables, sandwich, fruit, chocolate, chicken, healthy, unhealthy, a little, too much.


1. 学会用一般疑问句what did you h**e for breakfast yesterday? 来询问昨天早饭吃了什么?


例句1: what did you do last night?

例句2: what did you h**e for lunch today?

例句3: what did you do last summer holiday?

例句4: did you visit your parents last month?

2. “i had some bread and milk.”句子中some表示“一些”。我们还会学习其他表示物体数量的单词和短语,请看下面的**。

3. 单元语法:助动词do过去时构成的一般疑问句,用一般过去时描述过去发生的事。

unit 4

重点词汇: neighbour, son, daughter, noisy, dig, make noise

重点知识:1. 学会用过去时态的一般疑问句询问是否发生了某件事。例如:

例句1: did you go shopping last weekend?

例句2: did you play basketball with your classmates ?

例句3: did you buy any things?

2. 学会回答过去时态的一般疑问句。

3. 学会区别过去时态和一般现在时的区别。

1) do you often play basketball with your friends?

2) did you play basketball with your friends last week?

4. 学会用所学句型和词汇来综合描述、介绍邻居。

unit 5

重点词汇: thousand, hundred, wild, way, die, learn, send, in danger, in the past, on one’s way home, take care of, go for a walk, drive away.


1. 学会用there be句型的一般过去时态描述存在在过去的客观事实。

1) there were many pandas in china in the past.

2) there was a car over there yesterday.

2. 学会综合运用there be句型的一般过去时态和现在时态描述过去和现在的差别。

1) in the past, there were about three thousand pandas, but now there are only about one thousand in the wild.

2) in the past, there were many trees in the city center, but now there are only one hundred trees.

3. 学会百以上数量的表达方式。

100— one hundred, 500—five hundred, 630—six hundred and thirty

1,000—one thousand, 2500—two thousand five hundred, 3750—three thousand seven hundred and fifty

4. 正确运用一般过去时态中动词的规则变化和不规则变化。

1) 规则变化 (末尾加ed或者d)

2) 不规则变化。

单元语法: there be的一般过去时和一般现在时。

unit 6

重点词汇: other, hobby, talk about, know about, would like.

重点知识:1. 学会使用句型“would you like to (do)…?来询问对方的意愿或者提出邀请。

1) would you like to talk about your family?

2) would you like to go shopping with me?

2. 学会使用合适的方式回答“would you like to (do)…?

3. 能使用学过的句型综合介绍自己的家人,兴趣爱好。

4. 了解电子邮件的基本格式和书信的书写格式。

unit 7

重点词汇: shall, kill, exciting, boring, interesting, fall asleep, next time, once upon a time.


1. 学会用”shall we (do) …来询问对方的意愿或者提出建议。

—shall we go for a walk? —sure.

2. 正确运用一般过去时态中动词的变化规则,掌握本单元学习的动词,例如see-saw, want-wanted, stay-stayed, h**e-had。

3. 了解并运用be going to (do)…句型结构表述未来的计划,例如“we are going to visit the great wall next week.””i am going to watch an exciting film.

”4. 能运用已学句型和词汇描述一部电影和它的简介。

unit 8

重点词汇: bee, ant, finger, dancer, many kinds of, insect museum, model car, science.

重点知识:1. 学会用”what did you see at the museum?” 一般过去时态的特殊疑问句询问在博物馆所参观到的不通事物。

—what did you see at the museum?

——i saw a lot of interesting things.

2. 正确运用本单元学习的动词的一般过去时的变化规则,比如visit—visted, move—moved, listen—listened. buy—bought, learn-learnt, stand—stood.


unit1 how can i get there?一 重点单词。science museum科学博物馆 post office 邮局 bookstore 书店。cinema 电影院 hospital 医院 crossing 十字路口 二 重点词组。near next to 靠近 in front ...


生字组词 综 综观。综合。综计。综述。错综复杂。锦 锦绣。丝锦。云锦。锦缎。锦旗。锦鸡。萍 浮萍。萍踪。萍藻。萍水相逢。藻 水藻。海藻。绿藻。藻饰。辞藻。漾 荡漾。漾奶。漾酸水。焰 烈焰。火焰。气焰。焰火。凶焰。削 瘦削。削除。削减。削弱。剥削。瞬 瞬间。瞬时。瞬息。转瞬。瞬息万变。凝 凝视。凝神。...


期末复习默写。unit9语法点 计划v.计划做某事v.plan计划去超市。计划n.假日计划。2.fun n.趣事,可数吗造句 野餐是一件有趣的事。3.变形容词 funsaltspicehealth sunsteamfrytaste 苦的酸的甜的。4.听起来尝起来闻起来看起来感觉起来这几个动词都属于 ...