
发布 2020-08-20 16:43:28 阅读 4304



u1一、 比较各题的两幅**和提示,填上合适的单词,使句子完整。

1) i amthan tom.

tom isthan me.

2) my grandpa isthan your brother.

3) this dog isthan that dog. that dog isthan this dog.

4) my dog isthan your dog.

mike’’s bag.

sarah’’s bag.

u21) a

you __so

4) look, zhang peng

5) a: what’s thelily?

b: she a fever. her leg



1. a: what __you do last saturday?

b: ifootball with mike.

2. my familya park yesterday.

3. asarah wash clothes yesterday?

b: no, sheshe a book.

4. a: did you __swimming yesterday afternoon?

b: yes, ii

5. i often __football on the weekend.

7. a: your room is clean.

u4a: i felt

plane. they presents.

b: i __goodon friday evening.

4. a: what did you see yesterday?

b: i __manyin the zoo yesterday?


封面第 1页。

unit 1 how tall are you?参***第2~4页。

unit last weekend参***第5~7页。

unit where did you go? 参***?第页。

unit then and now参***?第页。

recycle 1参***第12页。



unit 1 how tall are you?

part a

ⅰ. read and choose.

1. a2. c3. b4. d

ⅱ. find friends.

1—b2—d —e —a —c

ⅲ. read and answer.

1. i’m 1.5metres/ 1.4metres/..

2. he is 1.7metres/1,65metres/..

3. yes, i am. /no, i’m not.

4. i’m twelve/thirteen years old.

5. zhang peng/….

ⅳ.read and write.

1. short . tallest . old . shorter . short . older . big / smaller

ⅴ.read and circle.

5. who

ⅵ.look and write.

1. taller/older, shorter/younger . taller, shorter . shorter, longer

ⅶ.think and ask.

1. how tall is zhang peng?

2. how old is your best friend?

3. who is older,4. giraffes.

5. how old are you?

ⅷ.read and judge.

1. f . f . t . f . f


zhang peng is older than wu yifan, but wu yifan is taller than zhang

peng. and john is shorter than zhang peng, too. john is the shortest of the three.

wu yifan is as old as john. zhang peng is the oldest.

part b

ⅰ. read and choose.

1. d. b. c. a

ⅱ. read the dialogue above again and finish the passage.

1.82.73. jim4. john5. he**ier6.87.6

ⅲ. find friends.

1—b2—c —d —e —a

ⅳ.read and fill in the blanks.

1. how tall2. taller3. what4. how he**y . who

ⅴ. read and circle.

5. stronger

ⅵ. look and write.

1. bigger/ stronger/ he**ier/ taller. smaller/ thinner/ shorter

ⅶ. think and ask.

1. how he**y are you? .how old is amy?

3. how tall are you?. what size are your shoes?

5. who is he**ier than you?

ⅷ. unscramble the sentences.

1. it’s taller than both of us together.

2. they are all so big and tall.

3. in china i wear sizeshoes.

4. you are older than me.

5. who is he**ier than you?

6. whose shoes are bigger?

7. he is smarter than me.

ⅸ. write the comparatives.

1. older younger shorter smaller

2. bigger thinner hotter fatter

3. he**ier funnier angrier happier


1. 一般情况下词尾直接加er.

2. 以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的单词,要双。


3. 以辅音字母加y为结尾的单词,要变y为i,再加er。

part c 综合练习。

ⅰ. read and write.

1. shorter . thinner . younger

ⅱ. choose the best answers.

1. a2. c3. c4. a. c6. a7. a. a9. c10. c

ⅲ. do a survey.

1. there were about 150 kinds of dinosaurs in the word.

2. some eat meat. and some eat plants.

ⅳ.read and answer.

1. he iskilograms.

2. he is

3. mr zebra.

4. mr giraffe.

5. mr hippo. because he is almost bigger than the goal! he is an excellent


ⅴ. read and answer.

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