
发布 2020-08-16 18:30:28 阅读 3363



姓名: 听力部分。







amy: how can i get to the wall street?

mike : maybe that way. i am not

amy: is the wall streethere?

mike: the wall street? you are walking the wrong way. you take the no.8 to go there.

amy: thank you!

mike: you’re welcome.



abcde )1.--how do you usually visit your grandparents?

i usually visit my grandparents by plane, because their home is far from here.

)2.--what are you going to do this afternoon ?

we are going to the hospital to see our math teacher.

)3.--what’s your hobby ? do you like dancing?

no , but i like acting. i want to be an actor in the future.

)4.--what does your father do?

he is an artist. he likes painting very much.

)5.--does your pen pal read news*****s after lunch?

yes, he does.



a ) your mother teach english?

)2. how can i get to the zhongshan park?

) is the cinema, please?

) do you do that?

) can you see in the picture?

ba. i can see a path near a house.

b. it’s next to the hospital.

c. it’s easy. first, put the seeds in the soil.

can go by the no.15 bus.

e. no, she doesn’t. she teaches math.


new year is coming(新年即将来临。).i want tosomething for my family .

so after school, i go to thewith my good friend amy. my sister likes reading, so i buy her amy father is a driver, so i would like to give him a map(地图). my mother likesso i will buy some booksher.



1. turn left at the cinema, then go straight. it’s on the left.


2. i’m going to visit my grandparents tomorrow.


3. my father is an engineer.

4. how can i get to hong kong?

5. how can the water become vapour ?


1. 我能骑自行车去吗?

go2. 它来自河流中的水。

itthe water in the river .

3. 你的爱好是什么?

what your

4. 你的笔友居住在上海吗?

your pen palin shanghai.

5. 打扰了,这附近有银行吗?

excuse mea bank near here?



it was may day last sunday, and it was also tom’s birthday. he had a party at home. his friends came and they all g**e presents to him.

they sang and danced. they were very happy. tom’s parents g**e him a model ship.

after lunch, they went to a park. they played games there. they went home at 4.

after dinner, they went to the supermarket. tom bought a vcd of japanese cartoons. he was very happy.


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