已审 六年级英语期末试卷

发布 2020-08-13 15:29:28 阅读 7238



得分: 卷首语:亲爱的同学,如果把这份试卷比作一份湛蓝的海,那么,我们现在启航,展开你自信和智慧的双翼,乘风踏浪,你定能收获无限风光!


1. 在农场6. a funny cartoon

2. 挤牛奶7. pull up carrots

3. 课前8. last week

4. 看电影9. collect eggs

5. 浇树10. pick a lot of oranges


)1. she __back home yesterday.

a. isb. werec. was

) you do last monday ?

i listened to music __my mother.

a. do ,andb. did , and c. did , with

) went to the park __tuesday .

a. inb. onc. of

)4. he usually __his homework every evening .

a. doesb. didc. do

) and i often __the farm at the weekends .

a. visitb. visitedc. visiting

)6. when’s the national day

a. in october 1 b. on october 1 c. of october 1

) two books a moment ago but they __not here now.

a. are; areb. are; were c. were; are

)8. what __the sign mean? it __ganger!”.

a. does; mean b. does; means c. do; mean

) usually visit their friends___spring festival.

a. atb. onc. in

)10. i didn’t play the computer gamesnight.

a. inb. forc. last 三、左右配对。(5分)

) 1. when is your birthdaya. no, they didn’t.

)⒉were there any books on the desk? b. on the 6th of may.

)⒊did they watch tv last night ? c. yes,there were.

)⒋what date is it todayd. it means “no eating”.

)⒌what does it meane. it’s the 16th of october


1. i oftengo) to school on foot.

2. where __be) he yesterday?

3. listen, the boy issing).

4. does she likedance)?

5. pick __they) up, please.


) mean “no smoking” here.

a b c )2. they often goes swimming in september.

a bc ) is children’s day? it’s at the 1st of june.

ab c ) did you usually do?

a b c )5. all the students are very exciting.

a b c六、按要求完成句子。(9分)

1. they were in the classroom .(改为一般疑问句)

they in the classroom ?

2. she goes to bed at nine every evening ? 改为一般疑问句)

___she __to bed at nine every evening ?

3. he watched tv with his mother.(改为否定句)

hetv with his mother.

4. su hai is watching a running race .(对划线部分提问)

is su hai __

5. ben planted some trees last week .(对划线部分提问)

___did benlast week ?


1. 我的钢笔刚刚还在这里。

my pen was here

2. 她每天早早就去学校了。

she goes to school __every day.

3. 海伦经常在街上遇见麦克。

helen often __mike in the street.

4. 昨天我们尝了很多苹果。

we __a __of apples yesterday.

八、阅读。(5 + 5分)

liu tao’s grandparents live in a nice house in nanjing. last sunday, liu tao went to visit them with su hai, su yang, gao shan, yang ling and ben. liu tao’s grandparents were very glad to see them.

liu tao’s grandpa showed them a lot of stamps from different counties, and his grandma cooked a nice food for them. they all liked the food very much.

in the morning , yang ling and her friends cleaned the house for them. after lunch, the children worked in the garden. the twins (双胞胎)watered the trees and the flowers.

liu tao and gao shan picked apples. yang ling planted some trees with ben. they worked there for two hours.

they were tired, but they really had a good time.

判断正误,对的打“t”, 打的打“f”。

)1. liu tao’s grandparents live in nanjing.

)2. liu tao’s grandma has a lot of stamps.

)3. su hai and su yang watered the trees.

)4. the children liked the food very much.

)5. ben and gao shan picked apples.

this is mr black’s family .mr black h**e two sons and a daughter. they also h**e a pet (宠物) dog .

they h**e a big house. their house has two bathrooms ,four bedrooms, a kitchen and two other rooms .they h**e a small but nice garden.

there are many beautiful flowers and some green grass in it. and there are three tall trees near their house .they h**e two cars.

on saturday and sunday they often go to the seaside (海滩) in their cars. mr and mrs black work five days a week. they are teachers.

they help their students. they also help their sons and daughter with their lessons (学习).

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