
发布 2020-08-13 06:46:28 阅读 5365




hello, boys and girls. 经过一段时间的学习,相信你们一定是收获多多。自信的你一定很想表现一下自己,那就来尽情展示吧!(特别提示:卷面整洁3分)

part a: listening (30分)


) sunny


) 1. a. i had a good time. b. i did my homework.. c. i went to hangzhou.

) 2. a. it was great fun.

b. i visited the shuihui park.

c. he visited the shuihui park

) 3. a. it’s thursday. b. it’s 6th november. c. it’s sunny.

) 4. a. she came to school at 7.10.

b. she comes to school on foot.

c. she came to school by bus.

) 5. a. because i want to wash the dishes.

b. because i want to give you some stickers.

c. because we had a fashion show.

) 6. a. no, there aren’t. b. yes, there are. c. no, there weren’t


) 1. it was rainy last sunday.

) 2. we went fishing in wenfeng park.

) 3. liu tao and i went to the park by bike.

) 4. we played table tennis at about four o’clock in the afternoon.


two days___li lin and i___to the zoo by bike. there __a lot of people in the park, because there___a puppetwe __some interesting puppets. they___dance beautifully, but theythen we___some nice puppets.

part b: writing (67分)



3. 在天空中4.打**给她。


7.go and now

9. black rain

二、词汇。 (10分)


couldn’t __write) three years ago.

___get) a robot from his friend last children’s day.

girlsing) songs in the music room on tuesdays .

want to goswim) after school .

some honey and a big cake on the table just now. .


father read报纸) last night.

teachers were in the办公室) an hour ago.

didn’t go to school昨天).

years ago, people听) to the radio for news.

mother likes doing购物) on the internet.


) 1.--where did you __last holiday?--i went to a farm.

a. wentb. goc. goes

) 2. we __hungry and tired yesterday.

a. are

) 3. -it’stoday. let’s go flying kites. -good idea!

a. ) 4. i didn’t __my house this morning. but i __it now.

a. cleaned, cleaning b. clean, am cleaning c. cleaned, am cleaning

) 5. .where __you just now? -i __in the playground.

a. was, were b. was, was c. were, was

) 6. i often call my e-friends. i___write emails to them.

a. alsob. tooc. want

) 7. hea lot of bottles at the party.

a. wearb. worec. weared

)8. he __at school yesterday.

a. isn’tb. wasn’t c. doesn’t

)9. he wrote a letterhis mother last week.

a. forb. toc. of

)10. can you make a sentence __h**e”?

a. inb. onc. with

)11. the football match is very

a. excitesb. exciting c. excited

)12. _your mother see a film yesterday evening?

a. areb. didc. was


) 1. why did you call mea. i often go skating.

) 2. did you water flowers this morning? lost my football.

) 3. how did you get to the parkc. last sunday.


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