
发布 2020-08-13 03:36:28 阅读 2184

六年级英语综合测试3 姓名:

一、 根据**或汉语提示写出相应的单词。(5分)

1. amy has a t牙疼). 2. i l english last weekend.

3. i went滑冰) yesterday. 4. did he b presents yesterday?

5. if you are (填一种心情) ,you are seeing red.

二、 根据要求写出相应的单词。(5分)

get(过去式) bigger(原形thin (比较级)

read (过去式) longer(反义词)


) 1 . monday we went fishing. a. in b. at c. on

) 2. did you help them their room? a. cleaned b. clean c. cleaning

)3. did you go ? by train. a.what b.where c.how

)4. i kites yesterday. a. flew b. flyed c. am flying

) 5. my arma. is hurt b. hurt c. hurts

) is 160cm tall. sarah is 157cm. so __

a. tom is taller than sarah. b. tom is shorter than sarah.

c. tom is 3cm shorter than sarah.

) 7. mary’s hair is longer thana. jane b. jane’s c. she


the last day读书。

laugh at划船。

last weekend吃好吃的。

stay in bed发烧。

tongue twisters去远足。


) 1. where did you go on your holiday? a. i feel happy.

) 2. how do you feelb. i h**e a headache.

) 3. what’s the matterc. i went to xinjiang.

) 4. how big are your feetd. i am 164cm tall.

) 5. how tall are youe. i wear size 17.


1、牙疼2、over there

3、洗衣服4、on monday

5、上周末6、go ice-skating

7、弹钢琴8、buy presents

9、拍照10. learn english

11.发烧12。laugh at

13.喉咙疼14 .tongue twister

15.感冒16. kill er whale

17头疼18. la st weekend

19,去滑冰20. 去郊游。


1. strong(比较级2. tall(比较级。

3. he**y(比较级4. big(比较级。

5. thin (比较级6. learn(过去式。

7. climb(过去式8. is / am(过去式。

9. see(过去式10. go(过去式。











八根据中文意思,用正确的形式填空。( 10分)

1.--what does sarah usually do on the weekend?

--she usually看电视) .

2. -what did you do on your holiday?

--i went to beijing and拍照) there.

3. –what is mike doing now?

-he is踢足球) on the playground.

4. –are you going to游泳) this afternoon?

-no, we are going to h**e a picnic.

5. john is taller than zhang peng. but zhang peng is强壮) than john.


姓名考号。一 按要求填空 10分 1.make ing形式。2.teach 名词形式即职业。3.watch 第三人称单数形式。4.does 动词原形。5.play ing形式。二 用所给单词的适当形式填空 10分 1.he teach english 2.i sing songs i am a si...


仓岗小学2011 2012学年六年级英语综合测试。学校班别 姓名成绩。听力部分 30分 一 听音,选择最佳答语,将答案序号填入题前的括号里。10分 1.a he is cleaning the car.is driving the car c.he is a car.2.a.she read a b...


一 翻译 10分 1.去游泳 2.去滑冰 3.唱歌跳舞4.吃好东西 5.照相当然。二 补充个句子 20分 1.我48公斤,你38公斤,你比我瘦和矮。i m48kg。you 2.你上个周末干什么了?我读了一本书。whatdidyoudoireadabook.3.你怎么去哪儿?我乘火车去。didyoug...